Jake Roberts and Ted DiBiase Talk About Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior

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Jake "The Snake" Roberts joins co-host Marcus DeAngelo to share stories from his Hall of Fame career, personal struggles, and overcoming challenges.
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Dibiase is on my top 5 list of guys who should have been wwf champ but weren't....I thought he was an awesome all rounder ..Great in the ring and great on the mic


The Jake Pre-Match Promo at WM VI Was Legendary


i remember 1988, goin to the Wrestlers hotel AFTER the matches that night.. ran into alot of wrestlers.. i finally asked wheres the Warrior.. they all rolled their eyes and said hes at a diff hotel than the rest of them!!! soo me and a buddy drove to that other hotel, and there he was eatin in the hotel restaurant by himself!


I saw Jake and Ted wrestle live at wrestlemania 6. I remember in the middle of their match 6800 people started doing the wave and DiBiase was trying to get them to quit it


Warrior made his peace with Jake & Hogan and others before he passed away. The man is gone…let him rest.


Warrior wasn’t just a body, if he was he would have been Hercules Hernandez. The man had charisma off the charts and they resonated with the fans more than anybody who could just “work”


Jake’s reaction to Ted was priceless 😂


They were f'in insane but Warrior's promos were awesome.


Two of my all-time favorites right here, and man could they both cut promos!


Love both of these guy's two of my all time favorites. But not two guy's that should be throwing stones at anyone.


Warrior had crazy amounts of charisma.


Didn't jake do the same thing every night DDT and pulled out the Snake or Hogan ripping his shirt and Hulking up and dropping the leg. it's called gimmick that's what Vinny wanted


The Ultimate Warrior was energy. He was motivation. He inspired people to not only be the best they can be, but to kick-ass at what they do. A guy I used to work with was working 12 hour days and he said to me, " I got to get the strength like The Ultimate Warrior." The Ultimate Warrior inspired people to dig deep and find the strength with in ourselves. It goes beyond wrestling. These guys speak of him like he was nothing. "Nothing under the hood." What is he supposed to have under the hood, wresling moves are fake anyway. They are meaningless. The Ultimate Warrior meant something more than just fake wrestling holds. You either get it or you don't. It is something you can feel. You feel it or you can't. These guys can't, they suck. 15 years ago, I was homeless. Today i own my own house. About 5 years ago i had a handfull of change to my name. I came from nothing. I have no family. Had it not been for The Ultimate Warriors balls to the wall, go for it attitude, i would not be where i am today. I feel his spirit and what he stood for in me. At least I can take something from The Warrior. I can take nothing from all 3 of these guys. The Ultimate Warrior motivates me even to this day. These guys motivate me to sit on the couch and eat Doritos. Warrior had power moves like the gorilla press slam. That's hard to do. If there was "nothing under the hood, then what was that? That's something. He body slammed Andre the Giant and got no credit for it.


i watched these guys close in the 80s i even saw em both live in 87'-88'


Teddy was a great mechanic. Had a great mind for the business.


Some of the things I remember most clearly from back when life was absolute heaven compared to now include the Jake Roberts/Rick Rude angle with the airbrushed tights, etc. and Ted putting people to sleep and stuffing C notes in their mouths.


Ted has a lot of forgiveness in his heart, let it go brother...


Ted said Hogan could work his gimmick well, well so did Warrior lol. They say Warrior only had a body. Not true, he had an it factor. Otherwise any big bodybuilder could become a legend in pro wrestling. I thought Jake had made amends with Warrior at the Hall of Fame? No mention of that here. Anyways, Jake and Ted are two of the biggest Warrior haters, other than Bobby Heenan who isn't with us any more. For Jake and Ted it was pure jealousy. Jake one of the biggest drug addicts in wrestling, and Ted, as we know, along with his sons stole money from the warfare system of Missouri. At least Warrior wasn't a drug addict or a criminal.


I find it a curious thing Ted calling someone else selfish.


Jake was a badass no doubt was a phenomenal worker
