100+ Level Up Potions | Cube Pity System and More! | MapleStory 20th Anniversary Update

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I already showed the old school party quest event in yesterday’s video! But there is a lot more to cover! There are over 100 level up potions to claim! Special map effects to unleash. Old school Anniversary items to collect and much more like a cube pity system!

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I'm still insanely hyped for that old school PQ. I wish it was a permanent addition but also that they added in more for Ludi and Orbis.


Just seeing the footage for that old school PQ makes me emotional lmao


105 bonk pots is insane tho, i think thats good for a non summer/winter update


crazy i remember 4th anniversary and 5th cake vs pie lol


I love level up events for those classes that 140-200 just isnt gonna happen otherwise


Maybe this is a bad take, but I’m livid. How can we get 105 bonks but only 50 nodes? Can we PLEASE get some nodes?


I like the 20th anniversary, brought back ALL old-big bang items. Old school PQ and a competitive 100 growth potions.

But 50 nodes are a joke Nexon should have increased the cap to 500.


Nothing says "thanks for 20 years" like removing content and copy pasting event item shops, and "something bigger will be coming later" and then later happens and it's literally nothing special. The oldschool stuff is cute but if it's not permanent then it's kind of pointless


I think the general KMS player opinion is about the same as everyone. I think people were expecting more. 105 bonks, old school pq, old items are all nice, but same event shop. Not much fanfare for year 20 makes it kinda disappointing. They gave up on remaster patches as well. In a time where their players are already unhappy it doesn't look great. Props to whoever made the pq event though


this time I will keep all the maple gear instead of wasting them on the museum like last time


I am hoping to go back to Star World from the past. Great medal was there and not so hard to get for mules


I have weapons and armor from like 07-2010 still


I think GMS will do this same event at the 20th anniversary.
I'm all in.


@1:31 super incorrect. +32 stat per 10 levels would break the game. the correct thing to say is that it has been to visually show the static number rather than a description i guess


I have a new questions. I played this game in the good old days as a kid. Is there much social interaction and community in game? If I start without IRL mates to play with, will you still have PQs and lots of active guilds? Do people spend time in game just chatting? Do people still level in parties? Asking here cos this channel comes up on search for maple, and has active commenters.


Wait, so there's nothing to replace DI, Silent Crusade, and Evolution System? As a relatively recently returning player (2019), I never used Evolution and DI didn't help much. Silent Crusade was a nice way to boost stats early on, though, so I'm confused on why they're just removing it. What's the reasoning?


Does anyone know what to do with the Arcane Instant Camera? Thank you in advance for any answers!


Me looking at those potions when I already have every class level 200+.


Was considering coming back to my MapleSea account for the anniversary since they would bring alot of big stuff and with the cube pity system

But the pity is so horseshit....if it was gonna be so bad, it shouldve been around since the cube release.

Red and black cube are hard enough to get as it is, and it only procs 107 in?....

250-300sgd ish

Im sorry, no, that kind of price simply can't cut it for 1 piece of gear out of like what, 20 overall eq?

Just for that small amount of stat boost until you have at least 4-5 with the same minimum stat increment to see some decent final dmg change

At this point i might as well go for reboot, the grind makes my overall efforts lesser as i grind more and more and it follows up on my next few char

Regular just ends up roughly same annoyance of effort for that measly boost

That price tag on other kind of games warrant well enough cuz they spread the dmg progression throughout well and even it out.. in fact that 1x payment of such a price would already do well to boost a significant amount, not broken amount, but an amount that you feel its still worth..


Hey, i work for Nexon, and the pity system lets you sell the cube rank up ''pots'' if want to earn meso that way.
