An Atheist Journalist Interviews a Christian Apologist (with Adam Davidson)

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What would an atheist "media elite" like to ask an evangelical Christian professor? You're about to find out. In this video, Sean turns over the hosting reigns to Adam Davidson, a journalist from the New Yorker, to interview him about his life and faith.

TikTok: @sean_mcdowell
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Sean, you do such a great job of listening and providing, careful thoughtful answers. Adam was gracious and so respectful. I enjoyed this very much. Listening to his questions reinforced for me that it’s extremely important to live what we believe. I’ve found that the more confident I’ve become in my beliefs the less fear I have to dialogue with others and thus more charity I give to those that view life differently than me. Praying for Adam!


A lot of pressure is taken off when you realize its not your job to convince people. Its our job to share and live a life that reflects Christ.


This was encouraging to me as a mother. There's so much pressure to keep your kids totally separate from the world, but I tend to expose them to things in order to talk and teach them. Nice to see your dad did the same and it actually grew your faith instead of hindering it.


So nice to see how honest and respectful this conversation was. Great job, Sean and Adam!


This is so wholesome. You guys interact the way all of America should. Great example 👌


Adam has SUCH great questions! And he is very respectful and aware of how his questions come across. His goal seems to be to understand the individual, and identify how they align/are different than all the others, and he is so careful to NOT throw you into a group you are not in. In my experience with most atheists and most journalists and most atheist journalists in an interview like this would take the exact opposite approach and maybe feeing threaten or overconfident, would just continue to throw someone in a category to which they do not belong. But Adam is one of my favorite so far, precisely because he does NOT come across as attacking, he does not come with an agenda to “expose” or to embarrass, he seems genuinely curious, and he asks such great questions as well!


I loved this. What a great conversation. Sean, I started watching you about two years ago and am really blessed by your work. I thought Adam saying you were extraordinary was such a great compliment. Keep up the good work.


Thank you Sean and Adam, for coming to the table with thoughtful, respectful dialogue. This kind of exchange allows us to get to know each other, and opens the door for future dialogue.


This was refreshing to listen to as someone who turned away from belief for a long long time and recently started walking back to it from a different perspective and I love love love the respect and budding friendship and this is what’s healing to the world, regardless of belief systems. Respect and understanding is so important.


I'm glad these guys acknowledge that "Christian" and "Athiest" are generic terms and should be defined by the person you are having a conversation with before engaging. Could avoid unnecessary confusion. Pretty cool discussion.


All the polarization is awful. This is exactly what we need right now, all over the country, on many topics. Dr Sean McDowell is terrific. I love when he does these long form opposing view shows. These shows are healing all around. Love learning about Sean. He is an important voice in the landscape of American culture. I started watching his show a few months back and have been catching up on his backlog. I learn so much he gets so many brilliant guests. God bless Dr Sean McDowell.


This interview left me speechless, emotional, grateful. Thank you Sean for showing how to model love… this was love, THIS was acceptance, this was beautiful to witness and see in live time how to enact and react with someone we might not agree with, and yet how to hold them valuable as a person.


Wow. I am so blessed to have seen this exchange. I've seen you have other non Christian guests but this was my favorite. The questions AND answers were so sincere. Thank you so much Sean.


This conversation has left me with some real hope for repairing divisiveness. By far the best conversation I have listened in “podcast” world. Sean….I appreciate your clarity and openness to learning and engaging with everyone. Your show has challenged me to do more listening!


that was super refreshing - seeing 2 people with fundamentally different world views sitting down together and having a respectful conversation. Man do we need more stuff like this happening in today's day and age. Thank you Sean & Adam!


Sean, you always impress me with your apologetics and the way you carry your conversations 👊🏾🏆. Great video.


Wow. This guy is a hardcore atheist but very open. It’s nice to hear these discussions.
As a former atheist and now a Christian I appreciate that the professor is able to have these conversations.
It would be helpful for Christians to understand the historical context of why people become atheist. I was told by my older sister there was no God and then raised in a atheist home. I had exposure to no Christians growing up. The idea of God, Jesus, sin, the devil was completely not taught.
I went through 55 years of suffering and feel so blessed to have found Christ 🙏🏻


Great conversation. Thank you Sean and Adam for respectful dialogue. Loved it.


This was so refreshing; I can’t say it enough how thankful I am that both parties are willing to engage, be open and charitable in these tough conversations. We all benefit from your example. God bless you both. ❤


This is my favorite guest/conversation. One of the things I love about Adam is his sense of humor, and how he uses it as an authentic way to express respect. Of course there are many others, including those he mentioned--family, care for others, etc. Great guest. One comment to Adam: for many of us, the reason we passionately want to share God's love, mercy and grace with you is we've experienced both sides, many converting as adults. It's easy to underestimate the impact and motivation that stirs (although not the basis for my belief). I'm guessing those skeptics who have experienced a significant worldview change can relate.
