DK vs. GEN | Match 27 Highlight 06.24 | 2023 LCK Summer Split

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Man, what is Wolf's problem with hating on GENG and Chovy?
I remember in spring, when T1 was #1 in the regular season, he would say how unbeatable T1 is and how untouchable. Now, in the preshow, he acts as if T1 is still the best team. He said something along the lines of "if D+ doesn't beat GENG here, they certainly have no chance against T1", as if T1 is stronger than GENG or something.

Also, after GENG won game 3, he said that Chovy's Ahri wasn't POG worthy, that he missed his charms etc.
In game 3, Chovy absorbed a lot of pressure mid, with Canyon ganking quite often, and he not only did not die, but also turned the plays around and even burned Showmaker's flash in one of those plays, while also buying time for this team to either make a safe play bot or take Herald. And his teamfights were super good, he landed some great charms and also landed the game-winning one. Easy POG, but I guess Wolf only saw the two missed charms that didn't really matter anyway.

The guy's love for T1 and Faker, and consequently hatred for GENG and Chovy is just so annoying when I have to watch the LCK. I hate any time he is casting any T1 or GENG game because all I hear is his fanboying / hating.


Dk coaches putting canyon on sejuani are trolling
