Make Claymation Style Renders In Blender With Shader Nodes

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This is a quick tutorial covering all things to get clay/claymation-style renders in Blender 3D.
Instagram: @ PlanetaryLuke
Twitter: @ PlanetaryLuke3D
TikTok: @ PlanetaryLuke
0:00 - Intro and Sphere Setup
0:27 - Displacement
1:14 - Clay Material
4:24 - Scene Setup
5:25 - Extra Tip
5:59 - Clay Doh Shoutout
6:17 - Outro
Instagram: @ PlanetaryLuke
Twitter: @ PlanetaryLuke3D
TikTok: @ PlanetaryLuke
0:00 - Intro and Sphere Setup
0:27 - Displacement
1:14 - Clay Material
4:24 - Scene Setup
5:25 - Extra Tip
5:59 - Clay Doh Shoutout
6:17 - Outro
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