POTS Success Story

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Kylie came to us after months of debilitating Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) symptoms. She was experiencing significant tachycardia, adrenaline surges, and was just extremely sensitive to the world around here. Kylie was sensitive to most medications she tried and many of them made her worse.

When we started treatment we had to do everything passively with significant breaks and at times even that was too much and could send her into an adrenaline surge. After 3 months of consistent treatment and Kylie really started to make a turn in the right direction.

Here are some before and after videos of Kylie! Kylie is able to move around freely now without tachycardia and has begun exercising at home daily! CONGRATS KYLIE!!!
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wow. I can’t imagine a life right now where someone says to me: get up and go and I actually can. Thank you for the hope. I’ve been suffering for so many years misdiagnosed. It’s gotten so much worse after each time I’ve had covid


For anyone who has pots take 200 mg of benfotamine (b1) before bed and 500 mg if magnesium. take 2 tsp of Celtic sea salt a day (through out the day with water and drink half your body weight in oz in water. If you are 150 ibs drink 75 oz of water a day. Just always make sure you pair water with salt for blood volume. But anyway. B1 is helpful in controlling the autonomic nervous system which is responsible for pots. I've had pots since I was young hut never knew what it was and all this helped with lots of my symptoms.


I think I have POTS. But I saw a cardiologist and all they did was take my sitting b/p and HR and then immediately after standing. There was small increase in my HR but I usually peak around the 7-10min mark. I feel so unseen. I called you guys 🤞🏼 I’m hoping I can come see you for a better examination.


Metoprolol and regular exercise had helped my POTS so much.


I have POTS too. I went through some similar rehabilitation. Well done girl you did amazing :)


I hope this could be me in a few months. I am almost certain that I had it because I got covid 2 years ago and then I injured my neck and then started experiencing these symptoms but the doctors just kept telling me it was anxiety until I went to a chiropractor and she said I injured my neck and it caused some nerve damage and I am showing signs of some laws of Sensations in my right side of my body. Had the doctors actually did their job, I wouldn't have needed to go to a chiropractor to find out what was wrong with me. I get these attacks where it feels like I'm being hanged upside down if I stand or sit for too long. My legs and arms sometimes would start shaking and I know at that moment I need to go to a bed so I wouldn't hurt myself. I was seizure-free up until I had this injury and my neurologist refuses to do anything about it. They told me they don't believe that it's neurology and that I should go to my primary doctor and who knows what my primary doctor is going to say. I hope he doesn't Gaslight me like the other doctors did. But I wouldn't be surprised because most doctors care more about getting their money then they do about finding a true diagnosis and helping patients with treatments. Instead they just tell them that it is all in their head and that it is anxiety and they'll see you in 6 months, lol.


I don't know if I have pots or not but I git dizzy just watching this. I failed the at home turn table test horribly.


How did you make this progress? Astounding


Wow! This is amazing! Recovery from a chronic illness is always possible! Time, patience and determination are essential 🎉


How did you do this what was the process for this treatment


good evening I live in France and I have POTS, do you have any advice or exercise to help me please


So did she have an issue constricting her vagus nerve that you relieved? Hard to think of any way a chiropractor vould get such results for a POTS patient. Some info about what you actually did would have been nice.


My brother been dealing with pots for 5 years now. His wife left him before diagnosis, i moved in to try help, bring some normalcy. Hes been seeing docs and testing for upwards of 5 years. No improvement, struggled to do merely anything. I battle with wondering is he mentally ill and makes it seem worse? Or why has no doctors helped at all. No exercise plans or resolutions, justs tests and nothing productive so far. Its sad situation, would love to see him be able to get even a little better.


Such a helpful video! Im going to start working on my POTS right now by doing well nothing because you mentioned zero about how to help people and instead you just want money and for people to visit your clinic and prioritize that over health. Thank you for serving our country!


But how, how did you manage to get to that success. That’s what I need to know. I’m struggling so bad right now.


I am wondering if my low serum iron has anything to do with POTS⁉️


Really? My cardiologist has tried to get me a pacemaker 3 times. I keep saying no.


Why don’t you put what you did to help her? :(((


I had these amazing like....albino pickles a while ago that were so different but really good...i dont know what they were called


My brother: why are you walking like that.
