Allegiance 100% by Nikro (Extreme demon)

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This is a very fun level. I would highly recommend it as a first extreme. It's barely hard enough to be an extreme demon, it's pretty much right on the border between insane and extreme.
The difficulty is balanced very well overall, however I did find the drop (especially the 56-58 ship) to be harder than the rest of the level. Even though the corridor at 58% is very tight (and I died there a lot in practice), I somehow NEVER died there even once from zero.

Thoughts on each section:
0-16: This part was hard to get consistent on. There are a few minor timings that can mess you up simply because you don't expect a timing there.
17-29: Straightforward ship part. Some of the gaps you have to go through are narrower than you expect, but overall it wasn't that bad.
30-38: This part is completely free except for the 35% click, which is really precise for some reason. Out of all of my deaths at this part, only one of them wasn't at that click, and that was because of a random lag spike.
39-46: I like this wave part. The difficulty is really good, although the first corridor you go through is pretty tight.
47-62: The UFO is a bit inconsistent, especially the mini part at the end. The ship is probably the hardest part of the level, and the last robot part is pretty good.
63-78: The last few clicks of the 63% wave are hard, but they get consistent. As for the robot, it's pretty easy but inconsistent. I died at 68% once because I hit the second green orb *slightly* too early, which meant I was still mini when I hit it, so the boost it gave me was too small to clear the spikes. The 72% wave LOOKS hard, and indeed this might be the tightest wave in the level, but for some reason it's easy. Idk why lmao.
79-86: One of the easiest parts of the level except for the purple orb at 81%. The dual is basically free.
87-100: The swingcopter is free. The ship is decently hard, but not too hard. The last wave is easy once you figure out a consistent click pattern, and after that the level is free.

In terms of decoration, this level still holds up well even though it was made in 2.0, although it does look a bit dated when compared to today's extremes.

Total attempts: 519+1287 = 1806
Complete list of deaths past the drop: 49, 52, 56x3, 57, 61, 66, 67, 68, 81, 91
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Now that’s dope the way you put your own mix on it!


just wondering if he remembers my existence


Ecl1psed... Do you have a discord? How can i talk to you? i need to talk with you


Ah yes, casually beating extreme demons, nice


How you can beat these so fast I will never understand
