Converting 1' threadless bicycle fork to threaded , milling and facing crown.

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This video shows the process of converting treadless fork to threaded … Threaded forks ( one is shown in the beginning of the video next to threadless fork) are available in “one fits all” versions , even higher end forks have limited steerer length (can not fit large and XL size frames) and long threaded portion that allows the fork to be used with multiple sizes of the frames ; for the best performance , safety and durability of the fork , threaded portion has to be a little as possible/needed .
Video also shows the process of reducing the fork’s crown from 27.0mm to 26.4mm. High end 1”headsets ( Campagnolo , Chris King , Shimano ) are compatible with 26.4 crowns only.

Prosess , shown in this 3 minute video takes anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes : pauses during cutting to cool off tools and forks are needed , preparing and cleaning of work space takes time - process is really messy .
Рекомендации по теме

Nice work. I’ve wanted to see this done properly and now I have with this video.


Is it necessary to cut a channel for a keyed washer?
