Cayo Perico Heist After The Contract Update, What Changes? | GTA Online The Cayo Perico Heist

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-Agent Skittle:

-PC Spec: i5 9400f, GTX 1660ti, 16 Ram

GTA 5 Setting:
60-70 FPS in Cayo Perico
70-90 FPS in Los Santos
Dying FPS in casino lobby
60-80FPS in Casino Heist

-DirectX Version DirectX 11
-Screen Type: Windowed Borderless
-Resolution: 2560 x 1440 (Quad HD)
-Aspect Ratio: Auto
-Refresh Rate: Auto (its automaticly auto because of the windowed borderless)
-Outpout Monitor: 1
-MSAA: Off
-VSync: Off
-Pause Game On Focus Loss: On
-Population Density: 30%
-Population Variety: 30%
-Distance Scaling: 50%
-Texture Quality: Very High
-Shader Quality: Very High
-Shadow Quality: normal
-Reflection Quality: Ultra
-Reflection MSAA: X2
-Water Quality: High
-Particles Quality: Very High
-Grass Quality: Normal (this one is killing our FPS)
-Soft Shadows: Softer
-Post FX: High
-Motion Blur Strength: 0%
-In-Game Depth Of Field Effects: Off
-Anisotropic Filtering: X16 (the lower this setting, the uglier the road in the far distances)
-Ambient Occlusion: High
-Tessellation: Very High
-Restore Defaults: No Please Don't
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Good to know I learned basically nothing


1. Colossus dies from 8-10 headshots.
2. Doors need to be opened by 2 (again, before you just needed to pick two cards).
3. Guards are deaf
4. Guards randomly see through objects.
5. Sometimes game just does the "fu" move and decides You've been detected but noone seems to know where you are.
6. Sometimes one player collects a card and for others the counter stays on 0 so you can't unlock the door.
7. It's even quicker to escape via sea.


One thing that's really been bothering me is that explosions seem to trigger the alert instantly now. I was doing the heist a few days ago and did my usual thing, throwing a sticky bomb at the two guards next to the jeep at the checkpoint when you exit the compound. Funnily enough, I had my sound off and only 10 seconds later I realized I had El Rubio and the entire island's military up my ass! I ended up having to restart the heist


About the prep missions: now when you go to the casino (only bearer bonds or files) to steal the safe code now you have to escape the casino and police


2:20 the magic was so good that his freind on the map teleported


First Cayo after the update, i went scoping and after the cutscene where the guard pads you down, i spawned on the airstrip holding my AR and i still had all my other weapons on me too. Unfortunately i decided to go for a swim near the main dock and they all magicly dissapeared when i got out of the water.


Never knew firing your guns won't alert the guards. I guess I don't have to buy silencers anymore


Shame about the keycard entry. I'd got quite adept at doing the heist with two of my accounts, but that only worked when you only needed one player to open the doors with; not both at the same time 😕


Another change me and my friend noticed is that on the Submarine Sonar Jammer prep, one of the Merryweather soldiers that spawns to the right down the left hall leading to the bridge no longer spawns there, so, it makes clearing that cubby a little easier.


And I think they also slightley increased the guards health even if you sabotage the island's water supply.


The camera vision hasn't increased, the vision was bugged and was stuck in ''nighttime mode'' even if you robbed ATMrubio during the day. The vision of the guards, camara's ect decrease during nighttime, however due to a bug it had always less vision.


Another change is when you open a gate with keys or by cutting the chain, open the safe or hack the fingerprint the game unequips the weapon you're using and you'll be bare handed, i've to re equip the gun everytime because i don't shoot anyone, i just knock down the guards from behind and with bare hands it just punches them and trigger the alarm


When scoping out the island for the setup. Go to quick inventory and you can change your clothes to a saved outfit. I use scuba gear to swim to the main west dock and hop to the control tower.


Only few changes interesting: key cards not working solo, guards moving, and maybe shooting not alerting guards. I've got panther with both characters so I'm not doing Cayo. 😅 But good to know 👍


The legendary 'door stuck' 👍


How did no one hear the gun shots or alert when that one guy shot at you? I use suppressors and I could shoot a wall 20 feet from someone and they see it, or if im spotted by one person for 1 second and they die before doing anything the whole island knows


also in the prep for the safe codes it doesn't teleport you outside automatically, you now need to actually get out and lose the cops


Used to be once i found the guard clothing I could drive across the island freely, now it seems like when I go thru a place with 4 or 5 guards, like a checkpoint, they set off thr alarm. And I double checked to make sure I wasnt armed also. This is frustrating now I have to kinda drive around groups of guards


Gate keys! Before they were pretty much always with one of the three office guards (which have the red vision marker). Today I did Cayo twice and both times the keys were with one of the paired guards facing each other. On the first run I had to kill every guard except the heavy one before I found them. :P


Fun fact:I was doing a cayo with a random and tried to sechs the jug but i failed and died.But my dead body seched him and saved the heist from aggressive.
