42 Cayo Perico Facts Only Experts Know (GTA V Online)

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War Thunder is a highly detailed vehicle combat game containing over 2,000 playable tanks, aircraft, and ships spanning over 100 years of development. Immerse yourself completely in dynamic battles with an unparalleled combination of realism and approachability. #ad

Cayo Perico heist Facts and easter eggs and tips.
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War Thunder is a highly detailed vehicle combat game containing over 2, 000 playable tanks, aircraft, and ships spanning over 100 years of development. Immerse yourself completely in dynamic battles with an unparalleled combination of realism and approachability. #ad


I stopped caring about Cayo Perico when they nerfed it last year, I knew they'd do it again and they did, such a disappointment. Respect TGG for staying positive but what Rockstar has done cannot be ignored 🙏🏼


Aggressor with the shotgun is faster, you don't have to knock him down and he's dead before he turns towards you. Also doesn't alert anyone if you kill him in the same spot as in the video.


Idk if it's still the case. But if you fly to Cayo for the scope out part during a business battle where the cargo is on the aircraft carrier, you can find the aircraft carrier just a bit south/southwest of the airstrip on Cayo. Better yet you can steal and use the aircraft on there for the scope out as long as you're not detected. Weapons are disabled.


I love how rockstar added so much detail into the cayo perico heist


0:35 #2 Using the Assault Shotgun from the Aggressor loadout kills the Juggernaut with a few shots in the back.

3:48 #14 No need to change outfit. The game automatically saves when you find a new session.

4:13 #16 The trigger to have the lock-up accessible solo isn't having the North Dock as the infiltration point, it is having the Longfin or Patrol Boat as the approach vehicle. You can come in at the Main Dock or Airstrip and then travel to the North Dock and the lock-up will be accessible.

4:50 #19 There's no need to buy or even install suppressors on the setup screen. They are applied by default.

6:55 #23 You can tell before then. After you do the jump in #22, if you look at where the map forks left and right at the top of the minimap at 6:51, there'll be a guard stood at the junction if the box is on the ground. If, as in the video, there is no guard at the junction, then he'll be at the tower.

EDIT: You can tell whether you need to climb the tower or not as soon as you arrive on Cayo. If there is a guard patrolling the road between the airstrip and the guard tower, the box will be on the ground; if there is no guard, the box will be up the tower. There's only two possible guard layouts across the island for the scope out, so you will know where all of them will be based on this one guard on the road out of the airstrip.

Two things that never get mentioned in these videos:

1. When you do the Velum approach and select the Weapon Stash, you don't need to go and collect it from the hangar. Despite you getting searched by the guard in the cutscene, once you start the heist, your weapon wheel will already have the weapons allocated.

*Patched* You do need to collect the weapons stash now.

2. If you do the Guard Truck entry into the compound, when you arrive, there'll be El Rubio's Stafford parked up on the left. Not only can you drive it, but provided you're wearing a disguise, it acts like any other vehicle so you're free to drive it around the map.


The BEST load out is the Aggressor. Makes short work of the Jug and great for speed runners since it takes less time to unalive NPC’s.


Another tip: If you mute your TV while playing, Pavel will not drive you insane.


For #16 at 4:13 - you actually don't have to set the Infiltration point to North Dock. I used to do that as well but then I forgot to once, still went in anyway, and it worked. Since then, if I have to go to the strip first for any reason, I'll still put Main Dock knowing I can get in to the gated shed on the ND. Weird


He did not had to say it like that 😭😭😭 blowing the whole load is wild


"Blow that Entire Load"



We were born too early for GTA6, but just in time to experience Cayo Perico Heist in its glory days


6:44 You can actually go through the gate with the bike, since it's open, and it's actually a faster route where you cant get spotted, just go over the road, through the bushes, drive inbetween the 4 NPCs cooking meth and the 1 guard patrolling and then up to the field and then its a straight offroad to the tower


7:23 In a Cayo heist, I was doing the airstrip and drainage tunnel approach. As I was going to the drainage tunnel I went into cinematic mode and I saw a thing pop up out of the water. Pavel said something like “I don’t want to alarm you, but sonar detectors are picking up something big… really big”.


The best load out to kill the Jug is not conspirator but aggressor


0:53 Hearing this part of the video made me come read the comments lmaooo🤣


In one of the small islands on the east side of Cayo Perico, there are some rusted cannons and skeletons wearing Spanish conquistador armor.


"Blow that entire load" - this fucking got me


I am absolutely speechless 🤣
Yessir 💀💀💀


Another way deal with that one guard by the gate is to bring the Aggressor loadout. The assault shotgun can push bodies like in Payday 2.
