UPDATED BEST GLEY BUILD! (Bossing & Mobbing) // The First Descendant Gley Guide

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Yoo guys, today we are updating my guide for Gley! Gley is one of the strongest bossing characters in the game and has a variety of builds and weapons she can use. I try to highlight that in this video and do a breakdown of the synergies that make her so strong. Hope you guys enjoy the guide!

0:00 - 1:55 Intro
1:56 - 3:05 Reactors
3:06 - 8:55 Solo Play
8:56 - 11:28 Weapons for Massacre
11:29 - 12:26 Group Play
12:27 - 17:52 Weapon Platform
17:53 - 20:32 Mobbing
20:33 - 21:52 Components
21:53 - 22:44 Tips/Outro
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Note: I meant to say if you aren't hitting weakpoint with the python, not crits. Also I will be in Cali for the next few days but recorded a bunch of videos before I left so shouldn't be any breaks in YT coverage.


Good information on gley, yes. However, one important thing that is not mentioned is that this gley is getting buffed by Enzo which is huge to give that god like crit hit rate.

Don’t want ppl to come watching this thinking they are just gonna go into pub lobbies and wreck Gluttony.

This is a carefully thought out team tactic approach this gley is in vs gluttony. Two Enzos and two Gleys both getting Enzo buffs is massive dmg increase


I've been rocking a Super Sense build with a fully kitted Afterglow sword so far for group play. It allows me to solo almost any of the hard intercepts too with the damage it puts out but is not quite as fast as some of these. I've done some testing with Explosive Life and it actually does a boatload of damage, so if you really wanted to build her for mobbing, I highly recommend trying it out. When I was leveling her through Kiper Mining or the other Wave activities, that build allowed me to solo one of the points easily while a bunny/valby/rest of the team went after the others. Its explosions trigger HP collector so you can survive very well with it even though you are no longer picking up the orbs.


For those who are unaware, don't copy this build thinking that you alone will defeat Gluttony in 59 seconds. To achieve that time, you need an Enzo with the critical buff, the entire Moxy build, and someone to hold the boss's shoulder and destroy him to give Moxy more time to shoot.

Of course, a good team with high damage is also necessary.

Only when you have all these conditions are you ready to take 59 seconds on Gluttony. Other than that, the build is very good on the other bosses. I was surprised that he created a build like mine.


predator instinct only works for naturally automatic weapons, despite the new feature than all weapons can be shot on "automatic", if it's a burst or a single shot weapon, it won't proc predator instinct, it's actually better to just not use the module on the weapon plat build


Strengthen First Shot was fixed in today's patch. You can no longer fire a rocket into the air and retain the buff from that mod.


I just unlocked my Ultimate Gley 10 minutes ago and THANK GOD you already did a Detailed guide on her. Love you bro.


Just wanna mention I use the skill simplification/maximize duration setup with only purple skill cooldown on my reactor. There is a .04 downtime but I still have 100% uptime on my 3 and my mental focus stacks. Ty for the vid moxxy good work


That trick with getting healing from unfrenzying as the frenzy version damage hits is nutty. I love her.


There's a lot of misinformation going around about Massacre. Massacre adds a **flat** damage amount to the firearm atk taken from your gun, meaning fire rate is king when it comes to choosing a weapon. The only mods you need for Massacre are fire rate, weak point, and Mental Focus. It does not use crit. Blue Blood Bloomer can technically be the best Massacre weapon, but it's not a big enough to difference to warrant farming an additional reactor. Python is the most sensible choice since it shoots very fast and already wants the mods Massacre does.


There is one minor detail: when you equip Python and use Massacre, weapon ability does not work.


I'm so glad i invested in Ult Gley. The more I play with her, the more I love her.

And that tip about the AoE toggle for damage and then healing is YUGE! Not sure if theyll nerf that, but I'm damn sure gonnna start using that on the adds in colossus fights.


Made your exact solo build and damn she is a beast. I'm a ult viessa main and Enzo. But ult gley is perfect.


Warning ⚠️- They already patched the strength first shot mod. (The gold mod) Doesn't work anymore.


So happy to see you put in multitalented. Been preaching that on this build for so long


im a rocket gley, just wish the option to turn off explosions was for self to not just others =\ for normal trash and if you want to see i just use thundercage


Man I got to say this.. this build ( builds ) are well… AMAZING !!!!


Blood and Iron is way better for group content, You can heal yourself like crazy and you can still activate Massacre fast. Sanguification is only good for bosses you can burst fast, zero sustain after bug was fixed. No more wall draining.


Very thorough guide and some very good builds. My only issue is your Component set of choice. Annihilation set outperforms Slayer set in damage for Gley and allows you to maintain your survivability.


For mobbing build swap multitalented into malachite instead of focus on dimension put skill simplication in star slot and spear n sheild in rutile slot. No mods in the red and hits considerably harder and still instant cooldowns.
