Surviving the Death Loop. Kiteboarding tutorial on how to stop an accidental auto-kiteloop.

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Make the highest jump of your life during your next session!
Learning To Fly series - answering your questions on how to boost higher:
Example footages for the video were taken from here:

This video footage was taken in light to medium wind conditions with 8m North Rebel kite. Though I successfully used the technique, described in the video, also in heavy wind conditions up to 35 knots on the same kite, please mind that the steering line pressure may vary, depending on wind speed, kite type and kite size!
Please note, that this technique is recommended for use in case of serious safety system failure. If your quick release system is not blocked, I recommend to use the QR first, and to release the kite completely in case of any danger.
I will provide you with any information I have on this topic for the sake of your safety!
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