Features EVERY Discord Server Should Have! (2021)

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How to make embedded info channels on discord:

G'day gamers! Today in this video I show you guys some tips & tricks for your discord server. These discord server tips and tricks contain everything you need to grow to make a successful discord server. This discord tutorial also contains tips and tricks to help you make your discord server more professional and aesthetic. This video shows you everything from discord embedded messages to discord banners. Since epic games' partnership with discord nitro, many users have access to custom banners.

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Рекомендации по теме

Thanks for the video! This would really be useful for my community server.

I personally prefer modmails over ticketing as it's more customisable if you have a custom bot for it. If you don't have a custom bot for the modmails, I would use a ticketing system since the modmail would be jumbled up with other servers if they use the same modmail bot.


Thank you Roonie, this is a really helpful guide!

This will improve my community a lot since all of us in there encountered a very tragic accident, so we are all trying our best to recover from that. But overall this helps alot🙏


Currently building my first community so this info is really helpful. Thanks for this.


this is so helpful! im glad i discovered your channel :D


Got home from school and was treated with this! Love u roonie ❤️❤️


Thank you! I've done everything except implementing a modmail system (as I feel it's not necessary for the server at this point as we don't get a lot of questions) and using embeds, as I feel my plain messages are fine at this point. Amazing video. :)


I open my PC and the video is here, Luv you Roonie :)


Thank you Roonie these features would greatly improve my community server.

btw i prefer mod mails over tickets simply because mod mails easier for people to use.


4:09 that video idea you mentioned for modmail + tickets would be super helpful. +1 to that
ty for this video


thank you! im going to start on this right away! and i joined your server to its very nice!! :).
i just realized how long ago this was :l


thank you so much! i was trying to find what should i do with my server to make it more attractive


Thanks for the video we're about to sort up a discord channel this has been really helpful so far we'll watch the rest later 🙏


my server is a game developing server and all of these helped me


We could use some on screen text when you're mentioning app/service names. Apart from that, thank you for a crisp and informative video. Regards.


Grass is a type of plants that is normally grown for its lush greenery, to provide food for grazing animals, or for their attractive features. It is a common sight in parks, gardens, and fields, and the most widely cultivated crop on earth.

Grasses belong to the Poaceae family and have more than 10, 000 species. One of the most popular grass species is Kentucky bluegrass, mostly used in lawns and other landscaping needs. Other types of grass are Bermuda grass, zoysia grass, buffalo grass, and St. Augustine grass, to name a few.

Grass has a complex root system that enables it to grow up and down, anchoring it to the ground and absorbing nutrients from the soil. The leaves on grass have parallel veins that allow for photosynthesis to occur, which is the process of converting sunlight to energy for the plant. Grasses can photosynthesize at a very high rate, making them ideal for providing food for grazing animals.

Grass requires water, nutrients, and sunlight to grow and flourish. The ideal temperature for grass growth varies from species to species, but most grasses prefer to grow in temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Grass has many benefits for the environment. It prevents soil erosion by holding soil in place with its roots, which reduces the risk of flooding and landslides. Grass also supports biodiversity by providing habitats for insects, birds, and small animals.

In addition, grass has various uses in different industries. For example, it is utilized as a source of food for livestock, raw materials for paper and construction industries, and alternative fuel for power generation.

In conclusion, grass is a vital component of our ecosystem. It has significant environmental, economic, and social benefits. Although it may seem like a simple plant, its impact on our lives and the world around us is quite extensive.


I literally have no idea how to use discord at all, it is very confusing to me, but I still found this cool even though I didn’t understand most of it haha


Another way to add a good verification system is to have a ticket system so they have to manually open and fill in a short questionnaire to gain access. But some ticket bots don’t let you do multiple ticket categories so make sure to find one that lets you do so.


Liked this video when he was like "I could be using the time to watch the 900th episode of One Piece".


for my server to verify the word is in the rules channel and you have to read through the rules to find the word to verify then type it in the verification channel then you're verified.


hi bro, i already watched your video <3
