This 50 cent Piece of Rubber Can RUIN your EXPENSIVE Hearing Aids!

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This 50 cent Piece of Rubber CAN Destroy your EXPENSIVE Hearing Aids! Dr. Cliff Olson, Audiologist and founder of Applied Hearing Solutions in Phoenix Arizona, discusses how a fifty cent rubber dome can ruin the performance of your hearing aids.

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Wow! Finally I understand more about those domes. Thank you for explaining the importance of them


Again excellent Cliff, I have used power domes (doubles) past 3 brands of aids. Often the tech cut slices in the domes so they could collapse a bit and fit better. I came up with the "idea" of using a smaller dome on my left (smaller) canal. Voila no more cuts, fits better, stays put better, sounds better. Who knew they came in sizes. No one ever told me, ugh. To get a good result IMO the patient has to almost become a hearing tech. I was thinking about custom domes to get a small % better result, but you mentioned the down sides of custom, thanks. Fan forever, Froggy. I will also change my music buds to have 2 size domes & hopefully get the same result. For dedicated music listening I (using Jlab music buds mostly) I like the compressible memory foam domes best, squish them down, shove them in & listen. Sometimes I listen with the music program on my GN Jabra, but the Jlabs are better for just music. The Jabra program is nice if I'm at the gym & might want to pause the music to have a conversation. I have to pause, pick up the phone and use the app to change programs, but I'm getting pretty fast at it.


Thanks Doctor Cliff, you teach us good things to be aware of in each video.


This is really informative. Never realised the importance of it, now thinking about I wonder if the professional did either.


Another great video. Domes are my great challenge. I have tried a variety of dome styles and sizes. The reason is that my ear canals get a great deal of moisture no matter the dome type. My Audi attempted to fit me for custom molds, however, her manufacturer said that my left canal is too small for a custom dome. My ENT has to vacuum out the moisture and provides a prescription every couple of months when the moisture becomes overwhelming. I currently put my RIC hearing aids over my ears and just touch the domes to the outer canal until I have to go outside, then I push them inside my canals after carefully applying Proear to help make them smoother to push inside.
I have learned to live with this challenge, because my Audi nor ENT cannot offer a better solution.


Good video. Useful info. Had a hearing test Friday, which confirmed further loss. Not too bad, all things considered. Discussed custom ear moulds, but it is thought those would result in too much occlusion. I currently have power domes, which I get along with okay. Always good to explore potential options. So learning more about domes in this video is helpful.


I like the domes you gave me. They never try to migrate out.


Thanks, Dr. Cliff. We tried open and vented domes on mine. The vented domes worked best in my case. The hearing specialist took the time to reprogram the hearing aids for both dome types, and we kept the one that worked best.


Excellent (and significant) advice. Thank You.


This is a really good video, Cliff. 😁💕


I love your videos Dr. Cliff, but I must admit that this title seems a little bit of clickbait to me. An incorrect dome can destroy the PERFOMANCE of your hearing aid. A dome can't destroy your hearing aid. Thanks for your videos, very interesting.


My left hearing aid dome is always "migrating" out of my ear and I have to keep pushing it back in. Additionally, we moved to a vented dome in my right ear because it was the only ear where I felt a plugging sensation. I have always wondered if I'm losing the benefits of the hearing aid because of it. I will ask my hearing aid professional during my visit next week and ask about the Feedback Management Check. Thank you, Dr. Cliff. I feel like I am now armed with the knowledge that will help me ask the right questions of my hearing professional, and move us toward the optimum solution.


What is the advantage of ear molds over a very well fit and selected dome?


This was a very interesting presentation. I eventually ended up with custom ear molds after trying two different dome styles, one style for my right ear, and more open style for my left ear. They just didn't feel right even after time to adapt. I hadn't planned on custom ear molds but I'm sure glad I have them. It made a big difference in how they felt, and how I could hear with them.


I wish you had talked about the “Power Dome”, I’ve never heard about that kind.


What do you if your ear size is between available dome sizes?


Brand of domes make a huge difference for me. My pair of Starkey’s are fitted with power domes and work great. Phonak on the other hand is the opposite. We tried various sizes and they’re all either too big or too small. Eventually went custom. Added expense but worth it.


I have open domes but think a closed dome would work better but are to uncomfortable and become painful


Can you still wear ear pods w these domes? If so how can you do so without harming them ?


I’m mildly hoh, but it mainly is low frequency and midrange. Before you assume the dome that would work…one of my canals is straight back and the other very curved. They tried one closed type dome and it caused it to hit the wall…making me not hear! The audiologist had a curved type dome. It may not be the best to trap low frequencies but it is directed to my inner ear and not the canal wall.
