History of Beer - Hopping Mad - World History - Extra History - Part 3

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Ale versus Beer! Women versus The Law! Churches versus Taverns! Our History of Beer series is stirring up trouble and making people hopping mad. Loosening the tongues of people at the nearest alehouse and changing beer into a full-fledged industry, sprawling around the world!

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♪ Outro Music: "Prost!" by Tiffany Roman

#ExtraHistory #Beer #History
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Shoutout to my boy Ahmad Ziad Turk, that dude is at the end of every video, mans has been supporting this channel forever


Fun fact: According to the Primary Chronicle, a history of the Kievan Rus, the Grand Prince of Kiev Vladimir the Great reportedly preferred Christianity to Islam b/c the latter banned drinking, "the joy of the Rus."


The idea that drinking was just accepted because people had free time is hilarious.


Glad to see that my alcohol fueled partying and drunken good times in the university is a tradition that goes back to the beginning of beer. Now married with 3 kids, God I miss my university days, good education and great fun!


As a Peruvian, I can say that yes, the Incan Empire also used to pay the workers with chicha and coca. Chicha was essentially an everyday drink


These anti-Universities riots mentioned at 5:50 were really bonkers. A HistoryTuber M. Laser made good videos about the Medieval History of the Oxford and Cambridge Universities, describing them in more detail. I know that I've recommended this particular channel a couple of times here already but you really seem to have an affinity for similar topics (including the history of hopped beer, which I mentioned previously).


Extra Credits really providing the perfect soundtrack to this hangover


He must have been an admiral, a sultan, or a king.
And to his praises we shall always sing.
Look at what he's done for us, he's filled us up with cheer.
Lord Bless Charlies Mopps the man who invented
Beer, Beer, Beer, tiddly beer, beer, beer


With you talking about "ale" vs "beer", I got reminded that my Dutch in-laws do the opposite: they ask me if I want a "pilsje" (pilsner, catch-all for lager) or a "beer". Since I have been working professionally in beer (transport, retail, workshops, pairings ..) since before I met them, I have no idea if they do this all the time.


Hi! I've been a massive fan of your show for years now and you're a big part of why I decided to go back to university and become an academic. My upcoming PhD is actually in the social funtions of taverns so I'd be really interested to see your reading list for this fantastic episode, as you touch on lot of similiar themes. Keep up the great work all and best wishes for the future! :)


would love to see the history of alcohol in those east asian, south American, and north American native cultures!


Dragon's Milk is actually still around, sort of. New Holland brewery in Michigan makes an 11% abv Bourbon barrel aged stout called Dragon's Milk and it's absolutely delicious. It's hard to find in a lot of places and stupid expensive, I've seen individual 12 oz. bottles going for around 5 bucks each here on the west coast, but it's so worth a try if you can.


Ludwig Haetzer:We should not drink beer!
Germany:Hold my beer...

Seriously though, imagine saying to a crowd of Germans that they shouldn't be drinking beer and then thinking that it would end well for you.


One of the interesting theories I have heard is that the stereotypes for witches were as a result of the crackdown against women brewers. Cats are used to keep down rats eating the grain, brooms are for keeping the spaces clean, ... and the pointy hats are just for fun, I guess.


So you're telling me college students have been getting drunk and causing problems since college existed?


Someone needs to write a book: "Breaking Wind: Fart Jokes Throughout the Ages and Their Effects on History."


Just wanted to say, your history videos are just so comfy for me at this point, I've been watching them since the beginning and I watch plenty of other history videos but no other channel captures my attention and makes me feel content to just sit and watch like this one


Katharina Luther’s Homestyle Beer: the perfect drink to go with theology chats and a side of reformation


Drunken college shenanigans have always been a thing, huh?
I'm so glad I stay out of that craziness.


5:46 So students drinking large amounts of alcohol has been common since the 13th century? Wow.
