Shocking Tricks Used In The Commercial Advertising Industry

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Tune in for some shocking tricks used in the commercial advertising industry!

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My step dad, who tragically passed away in 2020, was an incredible chef. He would pick up side gigs for restaurants setting up food for commercials. One "trick" was setting up a McDonald's Big Mac. He said that he spent over an hour just strategically placing each and every sesame seed on the bun.


I worked in photography. Food stylists were amazing. After they had added chemicals and trickery to the food, we had to be very careful how we disposed of it. If a homeless person was looking for food in a Dumpster, they could be poisoned by eating this "styled" food.

Other tricks for catalog shots were putting marbles in soup, so that the vegetable would rise to the top and looked more hearty. Towels were wrapped around Styrofoam forms to create a fluffy looking stack of towels.

We assembled ceiling fans, put them on the floor, used transparent fish line to lift up the dangling switch that would turn it or off. And by adjusting the lighting a bit, the fan sitting on a white background on the floor appeared as though affixed to the ceiling.

OMG. So many tricks. 😅


I'm super happy to know that many vintage cars are not being destroyed during movie productions!


Great Aprils fools idea's! Mashed potato ice cream cones!! I'm gonna have some fun with that even if its past April 1'st lol


This guy actually reads his comments, Respect+


I had a long career in advertising and one of my clients was a very well known hair coloring company. Legally - at least I was told this - was that the models had to have had their hair actually colored by the product. The models wouldn't ever allow anyone to monkey with their gorgeous hair so they would allow a 'rinse' of color to be applied. It was then immediately washed out.


Models in clothing ads are often studded with clothespins on the off-camera side. Stylists "tailor" the mass-produced clothes with pins and clips to make them fit perfectly on models.


My parents took me to the Universal Studios Tour not long after it began operating. One of the studio sets we got to see was for the show "Columbo". The guide turned on the overhead stage lights and explained that they get very hot to stand under. He reminded us that Columbo at that time was often seen eating an ice cream cone and he asked the audience if we had any idea how they kept the ice cream from melting in the heat. After we gave up he explained that it was colored plain mashed potatoes instead of ice cream and that Peter Faulk had to act as though it tasted as delicious as ice cream. As expected, all of us kids in the audience were like, "YUCK!"


I’ve worked on more food and car commercials than I can count. You’re spot on with the food commercials, nothing shot is even approaching edible by the time the food stylists are done with it. The smell is often nauseating, but to tell the truth we’re being paid well enough to overlook that little item. Sadly, the Blackbird became available after I got out of the biz. That would have been amazing!


Food stylists are INCREDIBLE. There was just a video by I think Wired or GQ with a professional watching clips of commercials and explaining all the practical techniques they use. I kinda wish I could go back in time and be a food stylist for my career!

EDIT: It was Vanity Fair.


No wonder why the food in the commercials looks so amazing and I thought those people were pros at making food but then I realized they were just gimmicks after watching this video. Thanks for sharing this video, I got to know the truth.


It’s watching videos like this that I realize something

With technology progressing the way it is

It will be next to impossible to tell what is real and what is fake

Who else feels this way?


There was an actress in the 1950’s that had thin hair, about half the hair follicles one normally had. She fixed her own hair and used little pads of cotton ( pulled off a big chunk). Each curl, she would pad up and look gorgeous, you’d never know she had such thin hair….


Our house had been on the market for some time, so just before the showing, I simmered a pan of water, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves on the stove. I had baked an apple pie the previous day. So for the showing, my pie sat on a cooling rack next to the stove complete with cinnamony aroma. We got the offer....


I was today years old when I found out a machine called a blackbird was used in car commercials or movies...thnx be amazed 🤗🤗


I have been a McManager, and I can tell you that policy says each burger and sandwich is to be completed within 20 seconds.
That's why it looks sloppy in real life.


I had a brochure for my charter boat company commissioned many years ago. It featured a picture of two tropical drinks on one page. To get the ‘illusion’ of condensation slowly dripping down the frosted glass, the food stylist used Karo syrup. Ice cubes were plastic. That is the only thing that would hold up under those hot lights. You can’t always use the real thing when doing a photo shoot.


I love the sad story of the melting icecream. I died laughing.


🐼 Big Bear Hugs from a 68 yr old grandma in Kirby, Texas, USA 🐼 ❤ 🎀 ❤


Speaking of shampoo, I wish Clairol's Herbal Essence Shampoo would come back in it's original scent and deep green shade!
