Mixed Voice Warmups and Exercises | Fix Your Vocal Break

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Mixed voice vocal warmups and exercise for SINGERS!

Work on your vocal break, passaggio, mixed voice and more with these exercises.

Check out my new Mobile app for vocal warmups!

Check out my Vocal Warmups With Kathleen mobile app, now in the App Store and Google Play!
Premiere vocal warmups for singers app!

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List of exercises:
1 - lip trill/bubble 15151
2 - vv 1232 1232 123454321
3 - hng-ee 1 54321
4 - vvv, ee/ah/ee 12121....
5 - doh 56565 45454 34343 23232 12121
6 - kee 54321
7 - ooh 12345
8 - money money mo 132435421

What is head voice/chest voice/mixed voice?
Understanding Head Voice and Chest Voice

More Mixed Voice exercises
Mixed Voice Exercises for Singers | Smooth Transition from Chest Voice - Head Voice | Mixed Register

Even more Mixed voice exercises!
Mixed Voice Exercises for Singers | Smooth Transition from Chest Voice - Head Voice | Mixed Register

Check out my new Warmups With Kathleen APP for iPhone!
Beta version now in the App store!
App for android coming soon.

Follow along Vocal Warmups for SINGERS! These fun and functional warmups and vocal exercises will teach you to sing smoothly and accurately with freedom and work into your head voice, falsetto, and whistle register. Warm-up your singing voice daily - especially before a gig, chorus rehearsal, or personal vocal practice.

Try one of these other favorite guided warmups or voice lessons:

Check out my Practice Planner/Practice Journal here:

Or directly from Amazon here:

Warmups with Kathleen
Kathleen Hansen

Be your own best singing teacher and improve your singing with this accompanied vocal warmup. It's best to sing daily, but it is very important to warm up your voice properly before a gig, rehearsal, voice lesson, or chorus rehearsal. Enjoy! These are great vocal exercises for everyone, but especially for building your vocal range in the soprano, tenor, and lead range. These exercises work great as individual vocal warmups, a great start to group singing practice, as well as can be done in unison as chorus warmups or choir warmups.

Sing higher with ease by working with vocal exercises and warmups that bring you through those ranges progressively and easily. Eliminate vocal strain, keep your voice safe and healthy, and extend your vocal range! Sing higher with ease, extend your singing range, warm up for sopranos, altos, baritones, basses, and tenors!

Try one of these other favorite guided warmups or voice lessons:

Check out my Practice Planner/Practice Journal here:

Or directly from Amazon here:

Warmups with Kathleen
Kathleen Hansen

What other vocal coaches do I follow on YouTube? Cheryl Porter, vocal coach, Dr. Dan, Jacobs Vocal Academy
Рекомендации по теме

This exercise helped me to the top of my range and down to the bottom. As always, love your video of vocal exercises


This is a great warm-up that also works on the mid-range transition. Wonderful! These are the 2 things I need the most, combined into 1 session. Great for just before a concert or performance!


Great video, felt so good! My break happens around E/F above C4. This felt really rich and juicy, and I loved that you extended both pretty low and pretty high. Love your energy and your videos - thank you!


Hello! I am a huge fan and use your warm ups almost daily!Thank you so much for all of this goodness! If you take requests, I'd love to have a warm up dedicated to breathing warm ups. It seems easier and more fun to breath along with you than to do it by myself. I'd also love a blues warm up that utilizes the blues scale :) And, if I may ask/suggest one more, I'd appreciate a warm up that helps me improve my onsets and offsets, crescendos and decrescendos. Thanks again for your wonderful work. It's helped me SO MUCH!!!


Hi K, thank you for the exercises. I change the “ee” in the exercises to “a” and “o” bcz these are the vowels I have trouble sustaining in my mixed voice. Do you have specific exercises for people with same problems I do? Again, thank you for your videos. They are a great help. ❤


The exercises seem a little high for a baritone singer. What note do you recommend starting on for this range of voices? Baritones usually have their break around F4 to G4.


I am autistic and i have to get this out, out of all the semi occluded sounds like v sch or such, lip trills especially REALLY HURT. Like the sensation is BEYOND ticklish to a point where if i try to do them it hurts my nerves and i have to stop, cower over and massage my mouth and nose. Its SO WEIRD how hypersensitivity of nerves can pick the most specific feelings and instances...
I wish i could do more semi occluded stuff tho, its so good for your voice


At 6:50 not sure of the sounds you are making.


My mom said that she would do this every day
