#6 How to read Data from ROM | Memory Interfacing | 8086 Simulation in Proteus

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#1 8086 Simulation in Proteus + Assembly Language Full Tutorial in Urdu/Hindi |LED Blinking Program:

#2 8255 PPI Explanation & LED Blinking Circuit Complete Explanation | 8086 Simulation in Proteus:

#3 7-Segment Display Interfacing with 8086 using 8255 PPI | 8086 Simulation in Proteus:

#4 Stepper Motor Interfacing with 8086 Microproccesor | 8086 Simulation in Proteus:

#5 LCD Interfacing with 8086 | 8086 Simulation in Proteus:

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Рекомендации по теме

What's différence between CX and cx in you'r cod assembly


Please tell me why you use push Cx and pop CX