AIMING | AimFrame: Learn Potting Angles In 30 Seconds!
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Better Eye Alignment, Angle Recognition, and Cue Delivery.
Conform or correct all the above in your own game....
whatever your standard.
Conform or correct all the above in your own game....
whatever your standard.
AIMING | AimFrame: Learn Potting Angles In 30 Seconds!
AIMING | Aim Frame part 3: We Built A Potting Robot!
AIMING | AimFrame: How To Set Up And Pot Thin Blacks
AIMING | AimFrame Bonus Video 12: Learning To Pot The 8 Main Blacks
Aiming Secrets-Learn potting angles Fast!
AIMING | Aim Frame 2: The Ghost Ball Myth...
AIMING | AimFrame Bonus Video 6: Bad Aiming = Bad Cueing!
AIMING | Aim Frame part 6: Six Years Of Aiming Agony Solved In Minutes...
Learning Potting Angles | Snooker Lesson
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Snooker aiming
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