Mathematical Modelling of Circadian Processes

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Many aspects of the body are regulated by biorhythms with an approximately 24 hour (circadian) period. Disruption of biorhythms has clinical implications as they affect many biological processes including immune responses, metabolism, sleep and ageing. The primary components that form the circadian clock in mammals are relatively well understood but internal resonance and how the core clock mechanisms relate to circadian-regulated processes is a challenging and important question. By comparing existing sets of data that have been collected at Surrey with a mathematical model we have a unique opportunity to test hypotheses as to how different circadian rhythms are orchestrated. This will be the first step in a longer term project to understand the architecture of biological rhythms.

Collaborators: Anne Skeldon (Mathematics), Simon Archer (Biochemistry and Physiology), Gianne Derks (Mathematics), Derk-Jan Dijk (Surrey Sleep Research Centre)
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