Demoralization: What Yuri Bezmenov Didn't Tell You

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Hats off to AA. He's managed to condense nearly a hundred years of very important history into a digestible 14 minute video. Well done.


Communism didn't start in the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was its first victim.


Collective guilt is enforced but collective altruism is punished.


Frankfurt School: from professional victims to moral police.


Yuri did actually mention that it wasn't so much the Soviet Union as being the danger, but something he struggled to find words to describe, calling it a "Global/World Marxism" or something like that.
He was not only warning of dangers without, as dangers within.


The year 1945 was not followed by the year 1946, but by 1984 directly.


Yuri is a stepping stone on a journey to understanding that which cannot be said out loud.

Just because he doesn’t lay it all out, doesn’t mean his information isn’t valuable in that journey for those able to discern the hidden things.


While Bezmenov did not name the Frankfurt school per day, he did in fact, several times, that there was a larger origin of communist ideology driving the movement, if memory serves well, I believe that he mentioned the presence of a number of rich Americans involved in the funding of the revolution as well.
But, it seems to me, that smartly, he focused on what he was familiar with, and had the most facts on, as he was a KGB handler for the Soviet Union, not a member of the globalist movement.


"We fought the wrong enemy." ~ General Patton (at the end of W.W.II)


Thank you for this. One thing that worries me about the popularization of Yuri is the implication that this kind of psychological warfare was created and is implemented by foreign powers. The truth is, literally anyone can do this and have done. We are at war, like he said, but the frontline is everywhere.


Interesting, and yet I've known for a long time that The Frankfurt School was at the center of a lot of the problems we now have in the west...see Political Correctness, and Critical Theory. Still, I see Bezmenov as a hero for one simple reason. He told the truth to a group of people who were incredibly naïve about what was actually taking place. Further, he didn't leave anything out on purpose for this simple reason...He wasn't talking to Germans...He was talking to Americans who needed to hear what he had to say.

In the end, it all still boils down to one central truth, whether you're talking about the Frankfurt School and their brand of Communism or Yuri Bezmenov and his telling of KGB theory, and that is that Communism, in all it's forms is evil.


Yuri Bezmenov remarked that the Soviet Union was actually shocked how well their demoralization was working in the USA. I don't think he "didn't tell" so much as that he didn't know the true scale: The Soviets were attempting to "demoralize" an already demoralized people.


Does anyone else get the feeling that 2023 has been a year for home truths?
What was done in Germany then, is now being done throughout the West. The dialectic has merely evolved in the meantime. I am glad that someone is finally connecting the dots.


"If the people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

Thomas Jefferson


the culture of critique is a good read on this topic.


Basically nobody bothered to turn off the denazification switch, now it’s consuming absolutely everything


Yuri was mindful of his words because he understood the limitations of the environment he was speaking in. He did in fact say "It's not the Russians, it's the _International Communist System._ " If he'd came out and said "It's the Jews", he would have had no audience at all.


I think Yuri was just trying to open a door for poeple to walk through and a rabbit hole for people to go down. Keep in mind he was attacked relentlessly for being a conspiracy theorist . A facist and a cold war maniac so he had to be at least somewhat reserved and keep it a bit abstract. He was speaking to people who were not that receptive to what he had to say. If he had fone further and Said America was being attacked from within by not just Russia but from people with no affiliation to the Foreigin communist states and went the Frankfurt school history and openly told poeple you will all be called Nazies and Facists or that all white poeple would be blamed for the sins of the past and ills of the world he would have been banned from speaking . He wanted poeple to take that next step and keeping it all about the USSR was the safest way to do it with the cold War still raging.


He got me at "Yuri Bezmenov became mainstream". What when? Mainstream for real? Where? I have never seen anything in academic or media about him to even be called information but mainstream you say?


The reason I think Yuri bezmenov didn't Frankfurt school is because he didn't want to be an Anti Semitic. The Frankfurt school was critical of the ussr but it hated the West more
