Agathia Beach

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Köy yollarında kendileriyle medeniyet arasına olabildiğince mesafe koymak isteyenler için Agathia Körfezi'ni ziyaret etmeleri önerilir. Gerçekten daha fazla izole olmanın tek yolu, karadan erişilemeyen bir plajı tekneyle ziyaret etmektir. Agathia Plajı diğer plajlardan çok farklı değil, ancak haritalarda en ince çizgilerden biraz daha fazla olan yollarda son birkaç kilometreyi kat eden herkes burada çok fazla arkadaş olmayacağını biliyor. Ve Milos Adası'nın en kuzey batısındaki bu bölgede, Cape Vani'den çok uzak olmayan nüfus çok seyrek.
For those who want to put as much distance between themselves and civilization as possible on country roads, it is recommended to visit Agathia Bay. The only way to truly be more isolated is to visit a beach that is inaccessible by land by boat. Agathia Beach is not much different from other beaches, but anyone who has traveled the last few kilometers on roads that are little more than the thinnest lines on maps knows that there will not be many friends here. And in this area in the extreme north-west of Milos Island, not far from Cape Vani, the population is very sparse.
For those who want to put as much distance between themselves and civilization as possible on country roads, it is recommended to visit Agathia Bay. The only way to truly be more isolated is to visit a beach that is inaccessible by land by boat. Agathia Beach is not much different from other beaches, but anyone who has traveled the last few kilometers on roads that are little more than the thinnest lines on maps knows that there will not be many friends here. And in this area in the extreme north-west of Milos Island, not far from Cape Vani, the population is very sparse.