How to tell the time in German | Time in German formal and informal.

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In this video you will learn how to tell the time in German. I will teach you 2 different options how you can tell the time in German. The first one is the way we use it in radio and TV and is very straight forward, logic and easy to understand. This way is also called the formal time in German. The 2nd option how you can tell the time is the one we use in daily conversation, so more common, but also more confusing and hard. This option is also called the informal time in German. That's why I made this video to explain how you can learn and remember how to tell the time in German like a German ;).

Specially as a beginner I suggest to use the first option which everybody can understand without any problem but which is way easier to understand and learn. If you need to learn the German numbers first or you want to review them, below you find two videos linked with all information you need about German numbers so you can easily tell the time, any time.

This is a beginner A1 level video. Basic German lessons for beginners: Telling the time in German made easy.

Viel Spass und bis bald

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Related Content:
1️⃣ German Numbers from 0 to 20:

2️⃣ German Numbers from 20 to 100:

3️⃣ If you want to know all tips, tricks and hacks about German Plural:


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#germantime #telltimeingerman #timeingerman
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Important Info: Minute 10:18 should be: Es ist 18 vor 7 (not: 7 nach halb 7).
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Man. I have watched a lot of teachers on youtube talking about this topic and honestly you're the best here


You are the only real German teacher on YouTube Sir.😀


After our class I'll go directly to your videos and find the lesson we discussed, because I easily understand the rules. Always thank you.


Thank you so much for teaching german so wonderfully. Day after tomorrow is my german exam and I didn't know a thing about Uhrzeit but it's all clear now, and I even recommended your videos to my friend. Thanks again😄


Cant stop watching all your videos. I love that you give translation immediately so it sticks in my head. Love you guys xx


Vielen danke..! "Ich esse um 8 uhr abendessen " .Ur such an amazing teacher 😍 omg..! I'm learning a lot with u . Keep updating us and post some A1, 2 and remaining exams, exam patterns, sample papers, if possible. Schönen tag😊!!!


I would share the link to everyone who learn German with English teacher. this is best teaching ever.


Ich esse um 9 uhr abendessen!!!! DANKE LUZI, YOU ARE THE BEST!!!👏👏👏👏


6:42 = es ist 7 nach halb 7 ???
Think there is a mistake 🤫

Anyway, I loved watching your video. A good way for me to study Englisch und Deutsch


Its really useful for us who are just learning deutsch because telling time is quite confusing.. vielen dank for making this video!!! Keep it up!..


salam {6:42} should it not be like (achtzehn vor sieben)..(es ist 18 vor 7) but if we replace 42 in (6:42) with 37 then the answer in video can be correct which is (es ist 7 nach halb7)....if its not then please correct me .very interesting video sir.very helpful+logical..SEHR DANKE Sir..


" ich esse um 9 Uhr Abendessen "
LUZI your videos are a bundle of interesting information, you are doing great work Herr! I am using "YOU"😂 but you also know that there is no special word for respect in English. 😅
But with due Respect I Really enjoy Watching your videos. ❤
You are the best German Teacher I have seen yet.. 🙏
Vielen Dank ❤


you're the best of best sir!you really have a gift when it comes to teaching a language!thank you⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘


Fantastic vid!! Great explanation. I was so lost before watching this. Thanks a lot!! 😊


very goood, , you made me prepared for my test and due to your good explanation I got good marks


Very nicely explained, Thanks so much


Hi Luzi,
It is always a pleasure to see your videos.
I have a question when it comes on how to differentiate the following times knowing we will be using the 12h time:
08:07 Uhr ==== Es ist sieben nach 8.
20:07 Uhr ==== Es ist sieben nach 8.

Is it OK? If so, don't you think that is confusing to tell whether is AM or PM.
Thanks for your answer.


German is my third language, i am a junior rn and i took uhrzeit many times before but i cant remember it and now i have it and my sister has it as well so we decided to study it together but we couldn't but your video rly helped us sm and it made it sm easier thank you smm!!


I have teacher in this nut i can't understand .good thing you are the one explained to me clearly understandable much thank you teach ❤❤❤
