TDX Betrayal - Tower Defense X Roblox

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What is TDX / Tower Defense X?

TDX is a tower defense game that was released on November 21, 2023 and made by John Roblox. All out Tower Warfare! Deploy your towers from the air, land, and sea. Rival against powerful enemies and bosses before they destroy your towers. TDX currently consists of 5 modes: Easy mode, Intermediate mode, Elite mode, Expert mode, and Endless mode. Nightmare mode will be coming soon. These modes have bosses such as Plague doctor, Predator, Eradicator, Revived plague doctor, Eradicator mk2, Eradicator mk4, Eradicator mk1c, Apex predator, Calamity, Exo Santa, SUPER REVIVED TOLIET JOHN MK I9X, and Void. Some exclusive modes such as TDX events also exist too in the game such as the tdx xmas event, tdx april fools event, and the tdx x tower battles event. There are also many towers in the game such as: Cryo Ranger, Commander, Zed (event), Ranger, Shotgunner, Operator, Mine Layer, Sniper, Cryo Blaster, Missile Trooper, Patrol Boat, Farm, Barracks, Grenadier, EDJ, John, Laser Gunner, Toxicnator, Sentry, Artillery, Armored Factory, Juggernaut, Railgunner, Ghost, Medic, Slammer, XWM Turret, Golden Ranger, Warship, Helicopter, Golden Mine Layer and Golden Juggernaut. There are 2 tdx gamepasses in the store right now which are the tdx vip gamepass and the tdx 50% speed boost gamepass. Codes and other information can be found either in the tdx wiki or in the tdx discord server. TDX quests also exist to reward the player with either gold or xp. There is also a crate system (basic crate) where crates contain an assortment of skins for all towers of rarities ranging from: common skins, uncommon skins, epic skins, legendary skins, and exclusive skins. (Ignore this) tdx roblox tdx trailer tdx tier list tower defense x roblox tdx new update tdx new update 2024 tdx event 2024 tdx new event 2024 tdx event leaks 2024 tdx event tower tdx new event tower tdx new event leaks 2024 tdx codes 2024 tdx new codes tdx all codes 2024 tdx news. The new TDX halloween update is here!

tdx engineer boss
tdx engineer boss defeated
tdx heretic boss
tdx heretic defeated
tdx event tower
tdx event towers
tdx scarecrow
tdx flamethrower
tdx relic
tdx scarecrow tower
tdx flamethrower tower
tdx relic tower
tdx scarecrow event tower
tdx flamethrower event tower
tdx relic event tower
tdx scarecrow showcase
tdx flamethrower showcase
tdx relic showcase
tdx night 1 solo
tdx chapter 1 solo
tdx night 2 solo
tdx chapter 2 solo
tdx halloween cutscene
tdx halloween cutscenes
tdx cutscene
tdx cutscenes
tdx halloween battlepass
tdx halloween battle pass
tdx battlepass
tdx battle pass
tdx all halloween skins
tdx all new halloween skins
tdx new halloween skins
tdx lore
tdx halloween
tdx halloween update
tdx halloween event
tdx halloween event tower
tdx solo halloween
tdx halloween triumph
tdx halloween victory
tdx halloween solo
tdx halloween night 1
tdx halloween chapter 1
tdx halloween night 2
tdx halloween chapter 2
tdx halloween lore
tdx halloween trailer
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tdx halloween leaks
tdx halloween event leaks
tdx halloween 2024
tdx halloween 2024 update
tdx halloween 2024 event
tdx halloween 2024 event tower
tdx halloween 2024 trailer
tdx halloween 2024 night 1
tdx halloween 2024 chapter 1
tdx halloween 2024 night 2
tdx halloween 2024 chapter 2
tdx halloween 2024 lore
tdx halloween 2024 cutscene
tdx halloween 2024 cutscenes
tdx halloween 2024 skins
tdx halloween event
tdx halloween event update
tdx halloween event solo
tdx halloween event triumph
tdx halloween event victory
tdx solo halloween event
tdx halloween event trailer
tdx halloween event night 1
tdx halloween event chapter 1
tdx halloween event night 2
tdx halloween event chapter 2
tdx halloween event lore
tdx halloween event 2024
tdx halloween event cutscene
tdx halloween event cutscene
tdx halloween event 2024 skins

What is Roblox?

It is the primary product of Roblox Corporation. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“Robux”). Games on Roblox are officially called “experiences” which fall into a variety of genres. Users can dabble in games on the discover page tagged as most engaging, avatar shops, roleplay, adventure, fighting, obby (obstacle courses), tycoon, simulator, horror, sandbox, fps (first-person shooter), platformer, open world, RPG (role-playing game), and more. More may include, Racing, Online, Grand, Urban, Educational, Otome, Rhythm, Dungeon, Immersive, Newsgame, Action, Real-time, and Yawn.

Рекомендации по теме

In his defense, 0-0 flame was pointing his weapon.


Maxed flame: You got the DSM?
flame tower: We got it sir.
Maxed flame: Good that's one less loose end
flame tower: *gets killed*
Cowboy john: Flame! NO


“Intruder alert! Purple spy in the base!”


Friendly fire will not be intolerant on your action


So THAT'S how he got that burned eye!


Funny thing... artillery is a pain when converted


MW2 player's be having flashbacks💀


"We maybe brothers, but not allies."


Tb honest our towers should be able to fight back against them


For a second, I thought the leeches or whatever were part of the tower


The easiest guide how to make your teammates stop from farming in chapter II :place your DPS tower close to your teammates farms, then, when the (APEX) come out they have to currupt your tower that close to your teammates farms, make sure to not sell that tower until it kill all the farms, and boom u did it teammate don't have their farms and the Devil himself want to be your friend.

So this basically what happened to me in one of the matches and I couldn't save my farms even with scarecrows bait


the nail golem that's just hanging up there on the sealing keeps taunting me when I played this map


Chief, mind telling me what you're doing with that flamethrower?

Sir, shooting this unarmed civil-


The defeat ost sounds better than usual.


It looks like the maxxed flame trooper has cat ears.


Bro so strong they needed two parasites to control him


Tbh, Flametrooper should get fire immunity


pov: me testing if there is friendly fire




I've seen cyro trying to kill their own
