Live Tokyo Walk - Otsuka to Shinjuku

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Also, a big thanks to thank you to Dawn Kitsune for being a Super Supporter of my work!

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Live videos are filmed with a Samsung S21 Ultra. 4K HDR videos are shot with the iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Gimbal: DJI OM4

Recommended Equipment list:
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Where are you from? Are you Japanese?
- I am Swedish.

For how long have you lived in Japan?
- I came to Japan in 2008.

Why did you move to Japan?
- I was interested in Japan since I was a child, largely thanks to growing up playing a lot of (Japanese) videogames as well as a brief interest in anime during my teenage years. When I finally came here for the first time I felt that it was a really nice and interesting country, and I decided to do what I could to move here permanently.

How did you get a visa to Japan?
- It's complicated and my case is quite different from most, as I've always been self-employed. But basically, as long as you can show the immigration authorities that you have a stable income, there's usually a way. Personally, I was here on journalist visas until a few years ago when I got married. Now I have a spouse visa.

Do you work in Japan?
- Yes, I'm a photographer. Currently, most of my work is related to tourism and travel in Japan, but I also do portrait photography as well as documentary work. I used to write news stories and articles about Japan as well, mostly for newspapers in Sweden, but for the last 3-4 years, my work has been almost exclusively about photography. Sometimes I appear on TV too.

What camera do you use?
- My live walks are recorded with my phone, a Samsung S21 ultra, mounted on a DJI OM4 Gimbal. 4K videos are mostly shot with an iPhone 12 Pro Max. For my "real work", I mostly use a Nikon Z7, but I also have a Z6, Fujifilm X-T3, Leica Q, Sony RX1R mk II and Ricoh GR III that comes with me from time to time.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to move to Japan?
- Study, learn a skill that's in demand in Japan. There are plenty of available jobs here. Some knowledge of the Japanese language would also help a lot, not just to get you a job, but also so that you can actually enjoy life while living here as well.

How did you learn Japanese?
- I went to language school in Tokyo for one year in 2010-2011. After that, I've also taken some online courses and studied on my own.

How many languages do you speak?
- Swedish, English and Japanese reasonably well, and also a bit of German, as I lived there before coming to Japan.

Will you make bicycle videos?
- No. Streaming and interacting with my viewers while riding a bike would be too dangerous.

Can you show your face?
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Wow Tokyo looks busy! Ultra wide angle lens is super cool :) loved the shrine 👏🏽👏🏽


Congrats on the first shot! Nice to see this part of town! Drink lots of water and rest up TE 😊


Another nice walk, enjoyed catching up with it. Glad you got your first jab, I don't think you get full 5G support until the 2nd jab though 😁 arigatou gozaimasu 😊🙏🏻


awesome live stream, busy Saturday
great job sir, congratulations on getting your first vaccine shot


Welcome to the club of First Vaxers :-P ^^ Just drink a lot of water... BioNTech Mine was scheduled 6 weeks after the first one...fingers crossed


i really like your video!
i have been ikeburuto 4 years ago, the video you shoot that just like i have walk.
hope we taking beer time together someday in tokyo soewhere.


Congratulations TE on your 1st vac shot, keep safe and drinks more water, no beer or wine next 24hrs 🇯🇵🍷.


As usual thank you for the Video TE.
First of all, i don't like to speak about politica! But today for the first time I am having difficulty in commenting on your video !! Because of the title, of course !! About the "pandemic", the vaxcine, the mask, the lockdown ...i'm totally agree with the Swedish government, with the behavior of Sweden in the last 18 months !! For me, Sweden way, is the right way to handle the situation( the democratic way)! And above all it is the democratic way that respects the law and the constitution! There should be no obligations, just as the constitutions of true democratic countries say (this is also the case in Japan for example). I respect the opinion, the decisions of others, even if you don't think like me .... but the "others" must accept the ideas / opinions of those who don't think like them !! And everyone must be free to express their opinion! And the official mass media, multinationals and social networks must not impose their opinions or their ideas. The law and the constitution are above all more important than temporary rules not by force of law or by force of authority !!! Ciao.


Nice walk! Glad you got your vaccine. I got the Pfizer shots back in February. The first shot mild sore arm. But beware the second shot sees the most side effects. I had a very red sore arm & chills for about 24 hours.
I know the time difference is an issue for everyone. Hopefully, we in the America’s can get a few more live steams at a reasonable time.


Omg the quality on the 5G! Is amazing.. how so you manage on doing this with all the internet needed, how much does it take if its monthly pay.. are you also using a wifi pocket?


Enjoyable walk and it’s great to hear that you’ll get your first vaccination 👍!!! Arigato !


Glad you and your wife have gotten your first vaccinations!


Rats- missed one! Shameful. Bit under the weather + didn't expect such an early stream. Omedeto, so glad you got the P1 jab 2day + your wife's scheduled tomrw!!
Hope you don't pay later for all the 'gallivanting' about straight away! Aid auto immune: hydrate;
avoid ibuprofen, biru, + junk food for 2 weeks. Don't underestimate possible side effects, especially those of Dose 2 (Sh_t Happens!).
You may be 'Swedish Superman'
but you're still only mortal, dude!
(End Dr. Mike's CVD 101 Lecture) Sending you healthy vibes + Mad Love from LA's Little Kyushu!🤗
P.S.: Will you please perform the famed Swedish Midsummer Rain Dance for your loyal fandom over here in parched, 40C SoCal? I should think you've plenty to spare there, folks! Jeeze.🙏👍👍


All day long my wife & I've been engaged in a 'Takadanobaba rattle-off' to see who can say it faster + more accurately. Can't believe I won- she's Japanese!
(This is what we're doing for the July 4th US holiday?!) Hope you & your wife are doing quite well after receiving the P1 jabs.💉💉
