Bissell TurboClean DualPro Pet - Is this the Best BUDGET Carpet Cleaner?

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Music: Autumn Waves by Rex Banner

00:00 Bissell Turboclean DualPro Pet
00:20 How does it work?
00:43 Our tests
01:12 Hose and spot cleaner
02:10 Power
02:20 Suction Tests
02:30 Tank Capacity
03:16 Weight
03:26 Price

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Certified carpet cleaner here; I strongly dislike the type of model combines the cleaning and rinse solutions in one. It’s better to have the option to run water only or a “rinse” cycle. Leaving any sort of residue behind will result in faster re-soiling. You’re better off carrying a separate spray bottle and rinsing only with water.

Hopefully my comment makes sense. Anyway, best method for getting the most bang for your buck out of these units is the following method:

1. Vacuum really well (dirt, sand, dander, etc all turn into mud/grime that’s heavier and harder for the extractor to remove.

2. Pretreat any spots, but do so very lightly, you want to use the least amount of detergent necessary to get the job done.

3. Pre-spray the areas you’re cleaning by utilizing a spray bottle or even a pump sprayer for larger jobs. You don’t want the pre spray to dry before you can clean it, so only spray an area that you’ll be able to clean before it dries. You can use some sort of agitator for the worst areas (something like a carpet rake, a new clean broom, even a new plastic yard rake as long as you’re not damaging the carpet. Agitation isn’t necessary but it’ll help.

4. Microwave or boil your water as hot as your machine allows. The hotter the water the better it’ll clean. Even if the machine heats its own water, it’s probably not hot enough. Professional truck mount cleaners are utilizing water that’s nearly boiling.

5. Use your vacuum to rinse the areas clean. You can use the combined soap/water method as long as you also perform a water rinse only extraction afterwards.

6. You should take a pass using only the vacuum as you’re cleaning (don’t spray any water). You want to pick up as much water/dirt/soap solution as possible.

7. Get everything dry as fast as possible. Setup some fans, turn on ceiling fans, set your home HVAC system to fan only and insure it stays on until the carpet is dry (you can use hot/cold as needed, just make sure the air stays on- maximum airflow is key).

I know it’s twice as much work to clean with soap/water and then running a rinse cycle but I’d be willing to wager that you can go more than twice as long in between cleanings if you’re properly removing the soap residue that’s normally left behind.


I have now made two purchases based off your recommendations. Thank you for such thorough content. I’m also mad that you are making me spend so much money…at least I know it’s going to the right products!


Im SO glad this unit has a hose!! I was looking at Bissel's spot cleaners and then thought, for about the same price I could just get a upright but couldn't find one with a hose until I saw this one at Lowes. It does NOT say on the outside of the box that it includes the hose which makes me think they do not want to cannibalize the little green/spot cleaning line. Thanks for your reviews as always, i cant wait to use this on BOTH my couch and my area rug!


Thank you! I'm going to keep this in mind! We've had the 2x for a couple years now and use it heavily with our pets! It might be pooping out on us so I'm going to keep our eye on this one.


I’m a vacuum enthusiast, and I like to do tests on vacuums and we needed a Carpet cleaner and I saw you video and I liked it and got it. The first day it died while I was using it and we had to return it, but we got a new one and we’ve had it for a couple months and it is so good I can’t believe that we went so long without one and I even have my own test carpet, and I put tons of paint on it and after a lot of scrubbing all that was left was some tiny faint stains here and there and for normal use, it pulls out straight brown water every time! Thanks for the recommendation 😊


Bought and made sure to use your link. Thanks for all the great content; keep up the great work!


I need to see the wet and dry vacuums be tested! Love your videos! I'm hooked lol.


I’m so glad you recommended this. We had the Proheat 2X Revolution, but it died. We have dogs, and our carpets were getting bad. I bought this, and it took out hair and dirt I never got before!


Ohhhh I adore bissell carpet cleaners! Bought the pet pro 2x revolution because of you and still own it! This might be my next one to try out


Thank you again for another great review! My biggest issue with Blissel is to clean the machine. It’s almost always unusable after cleaning a couple of rooms. It happened to an older model few years ago and again to the Pet Pro. Our carpet is not even dirty, I wanted to routinely cleanse cause I have a crawling toddler. Not sure if I did anything wrong 🤔


I just bought the TurboClean DualPro PetModel No: 3067 and I'm pleased at how well in cleans my carpet. The only problem I have with it is the dirty water tank. The dirty water tank never seems to get more that one-third full before the suction stops and the tank has to be emptied. Don't know if something can be done but I don't want to do anything to it that might void the warranty. The dirty water tank is a good size but if only gets one-third full before the suctions stops it makes for a longer time cleaning the carpet.😮‍💨


I did order this and have used it. The tanks is small and it runs through the cleaning solution and water pretty fast. The suction is the best on ANY carper cleaner and I didn’t have any wet saturated spots like the others. The one thing I do not like it how thin it is compared to the others, but this is a budget friendly model for spots not a professional commercial carpet buffer.


I’ve made several purchases because of you. Thank you so much


This basically looks like the newer version of my old Bissell, the Powerforce Powerbrush Pet. I loved it, it was a cheap basic carpet cleaner, but it worked. I have since upgraded to another Bissell carpet cleaner, but I think even the basic Bissell cleaners are good machines, and good value for money.


Just bought one after written reviews. Relieved to see you liked it as well.


Amazing that they would include a larger tank than the ProHeat 2X on a cheaper product, question is does it use more (waste) water though?


Thanks for the great video! I've been looking at reviews, and decided on this carpet cleaner, and used your link. I cant wait to use it!


The 2x revolution pet pro works great for us


This is a good video. It Sucks being 40 and watching vacuum videos but your videos are always solid AF


Thanks, I love your videos.

Please review the aftermarket double soft rollers for Dyson handhelds!
