Laporan PAC Pengurusan COVID-19, IHR, Minggu Solidariti Palestin, Statut Rom-Palestin.

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Episod 62 Keluar Sekejap telah membincangkan isu-isu semasa seperti Laporan PAC bagi Pengurusan Wabak COVID-19 serta International Health Regulations.

Keluar Sekejap juga berkesempatan membincangkan isu Minggu Solidariti Palestin yang dianjurkan oleh KPM di semua institusi pendidikan dan Statut Rom-Palestin.

0:00 Intro
1:22 Refleksi episod 61 bersama TMJ
18:02 Laporan PAC Pengurusan Wabak COVID-19
43:47 International Health Regulations
1:01:36 Minggu Solidariti Palestin anjuran KPM
1:09:49 Statut Rom-Palestin
1:19:22 Pelaburan PNB, KWSP, KWAP dalam OSRAM Opto Semiconductors
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Segala urusan atau pertanyaan untuk pembelian Merchandise Keluar Sekejap boleh hubungi talian +6019-3293554.


Saya cadangkan KS jemput tetamu ZRA untuk ulas sejarah Palestin - israel. Bukan sbb ZRA pakar sejarah tp sebab penerangan ZRA bersahaja dan senang faham. Like tanda sokong!


Kami mau Tun Mahathir Mohamad.
Sesiapa sokong sila like ramai ².
Semoga Tun Mahathir Mohamad akan muncul dalam KS


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. You did an extraordinary job during the pandemic, sir. And that deserves a lot of credit. I don’t think anyone else could’ve handled it as well as you did. So thank you Chief!

Those who can’t even tell when the ventilators were bought should not be given a second thought. They can’t even read.


You're the best health minister sir..ever..menteri yg tepat pada masa yg sgt kritikal❤


Klinik aku pun berlambak lebihan PPE...kita beli banyak-banyak untuk dapatkan harga murah dan memastikan bekalan cukup.
Struggle giler nak dapat stok masa tu...
To Malaysians, you can only imagine the struggle to stock up during a pandemic!


Actually what was explained by KJ on vaccine procurement are the reality on the ground bila kita nak purchase any medicine. As a part who involve with drug procurement in health clinic every single month, I use the same mathematic to make sure tak ada bekalkan terputus. Dan ini Adalah langkah utk pastikan pesakit sentiasa dapat ubat. Kalau tak, Memang yang terkesan nya pesakit.


KJ did a fine job during the pandemic. I am not sure who else we have at the minister level that approaches his competence. It's easy to point out issues and mistakes that may be occurred. But his critics were not the ones in the room when things were going south. So, IMO he stepped up and he did a fine job. 👏👏👏


I have been the hardcore supporter of KJ since 2015. Really hope that you can become Prime Minister of Malaysia. Sharil can become the DPM. I say this from the bottom of my heart. Keep on your good work guys.


u were the best health minister to manage covid-19 we were so fortunate to have u during the crisis ....


Dengan adanya KS, saya berpendapat rakyat lebih banyak ambil tahu isu semasa dalam kerajaan, serta perbincangan yang lebih telus.. berbanding media massa lain yg mostly biased

harap KS diteruskan supaya dapat membina masyarakat kita yg lebih suka untuk memahami isu semasa dan mengajar mereka cara berfikir dan berpandangan yg lebih bijak dan betul


KJ terima kasih diatas penerangan anda. Jelas keputusan untuk membeli vaksin2 tersebut bukannya suatu yg mudah. Kerana keputusan ketika itu adalah sangat penting. Mereka yg terpaksa membuat keputusan yg genting tidak sama dengan mereka2 yg hanya melalak diluar sana yg tidak memikul tanggungjawab mbuat keputusan. Samalah seperti mereka yg belum menjadi kerajaan bercakap seperti semua boleh dilakukan. Turun harga itu dan ini. Hapuskan pinjaman itu dan ini. Tetapi apabila sudah menjadi kerajaan dan memikul sendiri tanggungjawab tersebut, barulah tahu betapa tingginya langit dan rendahnya bumi.


The ability to say the right thing at the right time is important for diplomacy and governance
These 2 guys would be the best candidates to bring the country to greater heights.


Another great show guys. A mature and intelligent discussion. Keep on educating listeners to be better thinkers. Congrats👏


We are with you KJ. We understand the challenges then. We were lucky to have you as the Science Minister and continued as the Health Minister. Semoga Allah terus memelihara tuan.


Context matters. KJ dan Shahril, 2 sosok great leader of the future. Terima kasih kerana buat KS, banyak perkara dapat penjelasan


Listen to this podcast on my way to work and it's an eye opener to me regarding the vaccine part. Hilang mengantukkk masa bawa kereta pagi2 ni. Sebab I'm a part of the team on the ground who involved in the vaccine management up untill now. And the explanation on the vaccine wastage was superb. Thank you Sir! Pls come back to kkm🤭🤭😊😊😊


We were so lucky to have KJ during the pandemic, you were the ray of light and hope to many of us common civilians during the pandemic. Thank you so much sir, I can’t think of anyone else during that time in the parliment that could have done a better job.


Haters may not like it..but KS is the hottest show in town..


Selepas berpuluh episod KS aku tonton, now aku declared myself as Bani KS. Teruskan momentum & pastikan kekal neutral mcm sekarang.
