How to Configure Landed Cost in Odoo15 | Odoo 15 Inventory | Odoo 15 Enterprise Edition

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The landed cost feature in Odoo 15 allows to include additional costs (shipment, insurance, customs duties, etc.) into the cost of the product.

Video Content: #odoo15inventory
0:00 Introduction to Landed Costs in Odoo 15
0:53 - Set Costing Method and Inventory Valuations method for Products
3:35 - How to Activate Landed Costs in Odoo 15
4:40 - How to Apply Landed cost on Transfers
16:25 - How to Apply Landed Cost on Manufacturing Orders

It allows the users to reduce the unwanted losses arising in the company's operations. The Odoo platform which is the most widely used enterprise and resource planning software across the world helps the user to manage this problem. In the platform, the user can avail of the option to use landed cost which can be integrated with the cost price on the products available.

You can calculate the additional cost both on manufacturing orders and transfers. #odoo15manufacturing

First, you need to go to Inventory ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and activate the landed costs feature. You can also determine the default journal in which the landed cost accounting entries will be recorded.

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Рекомендации по теме

Thanks for the video. May you tell me what happens to the AVCO or FIFO cost if the landed cost is computed after the stock is inserted and then invoiced to a customer? if the qty is zero now, how will this new landed cost be effected given that we have no remaining stock /


what happens to cost of goods when the item is sold before the landed costs are recorded or how is this reconciled in the accounting entries?


How to add landed cost like, i paid custom duty with tax on products and I want to manage the tax differently in landed cost. I paid shipment charges and bill I get is taxable.

Thanks in advance


Landed cost does not work when we use subcontractor option in Manufacturing. It behaves very different.
