5 things to do During notice period - How to survive in notice period?

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Today i am going to talk about, 5 things to do in your notice period
Whether you are leaving the organisation voluntarily - or even if have been asked to do so- you need to serve your notice period which is a policy at every company. Whatever be the reason for your exit, you need to serve your notice period just like every other employee.

Don't consider it as a relaxing time in the organisation, because it is a period where you can wrap up all your pending responsibilities, and try to maintain good relations with your colleagues on a parting note. Instead of using this term as a relaxed downtime, you can do few things to leave a striking last impression on your colleagues and superiors.

#Notice Period

***Disclaimer: This is just a Exam/admit card/recruitment job/results information video for candidates. The name, logo, and properties mentioned in the video are the proprietary property of the respective organizations. The Exam/admit card/recruitment/job/results are indicative generalized information. In no way, we indulge in the direct or indirect promotion of the respective Groups or organizations.
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If notice period is not the relaxing period which is the one then... Always enjoy your notice period....😂


The issue is that people leaving are usually respectful, the ocmpany itself however rarely is. They tend to give more work, talk behind your back and treat you generally worse. its truly taking all of my energy to act professional, dunno when being and employee became equal to being slave...but somehwere along the way it happened.


Haha.. all these HR ppl acts as there wish and these are company puppets. If you are skilled enough that is enough.. If they don't want your service, , then they will consider all these things.. Especially small companies will never give u good feedback at all.. In the notice period .. on what basis they will assign the work. ? In U.k and U.S the notice period is 15 days to 1 month.. But y in India it's 60 days to 90 days.. the HR team not cable to find, good candidates
Managers are lacking to manage the clients and work.
THE HR and Manager are not capable enough to manage things so u r blaming the employee..
Don't worry about this fucking video, , Keep upgrading your skills, opportunities will be open for u..


More like how to continue to be a slave to the last day.


Actually, it's "give a "THOROUGH" handover"


Question is can company force to work in notice period why person will work if he resigned


First thing to do during notice period, do not watch this video


I think that the entire process is unethical. While I am against people who forgo work during notice period, let us work but the company will have to pay up or at least compensate to the same base pay if they are not allowing you pay the notice amount and leave the organization. Lets say I work for company X with a salary of 4LPA and company Y has extended a job offer 12 LPA and the company X has a notice of 3 months so effectively I will be losing so much money that my tax scales itself will be different!!! If company X doesn't allow the employee to pay for the notice through buyout or by using personal leaves then there need to be some mechanism to compensate for the employee leaving the organization. This is my position right now. I don't want to reveal the name of the service based company but this is exactly what is happening to me. I got into a product company but the services based company is holding me and denying me from getting the better salary for 3 months.
