Sunday Morning Chitchat: Journaling and Fig.

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Just a casual chitchat to share with you my current journaling phase, and an update on Fig the greyhound who recently had 5 seizures in one day.
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Thank you for your comments about Fig; I wasn't aware of any of that. Fig, you have a lot of fans out here pulling for you; you are a precious member of your local and online family. Please continue to heal and improve. This has to be a massive adjustment and is scary, not only for you, but also for your "mom" and "dad." Get well and enjoy a long life to come!


I am so sorry to hear of Fig's seizures, I will be keeping all of you in my thoughts. It is scary when our pets are hurting and we jump into action, feeling helpless and willing them to get well. They do inspire us, don't they? Wishing you all a healthy years end ♥


Ring systems for the win! I have a few of them and still figuring out what I like best for what uses. I've made a few videos about them but always looking for other choices and options, so I'll check out the DaVinci from Yoseka Stationary. I have a William Hannah A5 and a Plotter mini 6, and a few generic A5 leather binders too. Apparently I like leather and the ability to move pages around :)

So glad that Fig is doing okay, poor guy. I'm sure he will adjust to his vision changes, but it will definitely take time. Glad you have him back home.


I’m so sorry to hear about Fig. We had a Labrador retriever who started to have seizures when she was about 6 or 7 years old. We monitored her until one day she had 12 seizures in less than 24 hours. She ended up on potassium bromide (KBroVet, I believe) for the rest of her long life. She didn’t have any other seizures after being on KBr. She lived to be 14 years old. I was so frightened when she had her first seizure which was on a Sunday morning. I thought it lasted for minutes but it was less than 30 seconds long. Our dogs are members of our family and we want them to live long, healthy lives. It’s really hard when they are sick. I hope that Fig continues to recover. ❤️‍🩹


BABEL is, hands down, my favourite book I've read this year. It checks all the boxes (languages, academia, diverse and interesting characters, a compelling story, (post)colonial criticism and more) and I love to hear that you like it so much, too.

(I found your channel for a second time a few days ago and you kinda sorta dragged me right down into the rabbit hole that is journaling, fountain pens, knitting (still need to learn!) and really anything you do. I was surprised to find out you're a teacher, because, guess what! I'm currently studying to become one as well <3)

Keep up the good work, I love watching your videos.


I rescued an abused chihuahua mix around 2010 who had seizures. So scary, especially in the beginning, but they were mostly short ones. Eventually they started getting longer and my vet put him on phenobarbital, which really helped. Poor little guy got canine cognitive dysfunction (dementia) towards the end, which was really sad….but with medication, the seizures were manageable. Hoping for the best for Fig.


Wow, so sorry to hear about Fig. Glad he's doing better, but still - always a troubling thing when family goes through such issues.


I love that book! In my opinion it's the best one she's written, and the one that I've recommended to people. I am so, so sorry that Fig is suffering with seizures, I hope that Fig will recover and never have any more seizures! As a mother of a child who has a seizure disorder I understand how scary it is to watch seizures (my daughter is stable and doing well).


Thanks for the Fig update Alicia. Dear dear boy. We had a beautiful old Lab fella Dougall who had seizures towards the end of his life with us. A very scary time for all. Lots of love for your beautiful Fig (and for you and Brian too).

I love that you’re trying a ring bound system as your planner. I have been a Filofax user for years and years and years and I love the flexibility within the system. I hope you find your new one very useful. I don’t think I’ve heard of the DaVinci binder but it looks to be similar in size to the compact personal size in a Filofax. A very handy and portable size. Enjoy ☺️

Your room set up is so lovely - that light coming in through the window is gorgeous.

Happy Sunday ☀️


Hope Fig is recovering! No fun when our pets aren’t doing well. Glad you could find your journal mojo to help you.


My thoughts are with Fig! Praying his recovery is complete! It is frightening when a member of our Fur Family has an issue! I wish deeply he is comfortable and does recover completely!! Fig more of your total Family, on line and at home are praying and sending our Well Wishes!! ❤❤❤


Thanks, Alicia. Always come away feeling re-centered and encouraged about people after spending time with you.


Alicia I am so sorrow about your sweet Fig. We experienced the same thing with our beloved Simon our Labrador Retriever. He is passed now but I do remember how hard it was to see him like that. I'm glad Fig has you in his life to care for him.❤ Hoping your journaling and typing help you find the outlet you need to process your thoughts and feeling during this.


My dog was napping and heard the squeaky toy in the video, and popped her head up, with her ears perked up lol... It was funny to watch, haha 😆
I’m so sorry that happened to Fig. He’s in my prayers.


I'm so thankful that fig is on the mend!!!!❤ That had to be very traumatic for him and for you all!!!!


I genuinely panicked when I saw your video title, though the thumbnail gave me hope. Cheers to Fig. Long live Fig (and Dot. and Bean).


❤️❤️❤️hugs and love for you and Fig. How scary. I have had seizures for the last 30 years and they are controlled by medication also. I hope you have good luck with him. I cried listening to you all through this video. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Thanks for sharing the news about sweet Fig. So glad he is still with you 💕


Good to have an update on Fig. Been wondering about him. Sending him health wishes. Keep us posted.


Best wishes to dear dear Fig. ❤ it's many years since i had greyhounds, but I do remember health issues, and how it can throw them off. Get well soon, lad.
