Ady Barkan Risks His Life to Deliver Health Care Message to Congress | NowThis

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‘No one should have to fight to be treated with dignity again.’ — Ady Barkan risked the few precious days he has left to urge Congress to pass universal health care. His journey and message moved lawmakers including Bernie Sanders and the House Rules Committee.

In health care and politics news today, Medicare for All advocate Ady Barkan went to Washington DC to talk to the House Rules Committee and Bernie Sanders about health insurance and health care. NowThis News is featured the Ady Barkan hearing in this video. Barkan and many others see health insurance and the current health care system as human rights violations. When it comes to Medicare for All, Bernie Sanders' Town Hall on Fox News introduced the concept to many people.

Ady Barkan was diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, in 2016. ALS is a rare progressive neurodegenerative disease that destroys voluntary muscle control and leads to complete paralysis. Traveling long distances with ALS is difficult and can be life-threatening

Ady Barkan [interview]: I decided to make this trip to testify before Congress because we have an incredible opportunity to dramatically improve the health care system in America. I wanted to show Americans that this is a struggle worth joining, worth sacrificing for. In this country, the wealthiest in the history of human civilization, we do not have an effective or fair or rational system for delivering that care. Instead, we deliver high costs, bad outcomes, mind-boggling bureaucracy, racial disparities, bankruptcies, geographic inequities, and obscene profiteering.

Ady was invited to testify at the first-ever Congressional hearing on Medicare for All held by the House Rules Committee.

Rep. McGovern: Look, as someone who actually believes in this bill, and that’s why we’re bringing it forward. I mean, because I’m the chairman of the committee now I can do whatever the hell I want to do. So we’re bringing this bill forward. We’re the first committee to do a hearing on Medicare for All in any committee in the Congress and so we want to get it right and we want people to feel strongly about it because we want the other committees and jurisdictions to do hearings too.

Ady lost the ability to speak and requires a computer that tracks his eye movements on a keyboard. He showed up to the Capitol the day before the hearing to test the equipment

Ady met with Sen. Bernie Sanders to get his advice before the hearing.

Sen. Sanders: I expect that everybody will be very polite. Nobody will beat you up or attack you. But I think it’s important for you to try to in a quiet dignified way just demand that the Democrats do the right thing on this issue. Not let them wiggle their way out of it and say, ‘Oh, you’re absolutely right, everybody’s entitled to health care and in 80 years, maybe we’ll have it.’ And you know this stuff as well as I do. Try to be firm and not let Democrats wiggle away and I think Republicans will probably ignore you to tell you the truth.

Ady Barkan: How do you handle the proposals for half-steps, public options, etc.?

Sen. Sanders: I think we have to conclude that the current system is dysfunctional. It’s like a leaky bucket. You can continue to pour water in it, you can keep the bucket full, but the water’s gonna go out.

Ady Barkan: Look at my family: We have good ‘insurance.’ Yet we are paying $9,000 a month for my health aide.

Sen. Sanders: That’s the point to be made. That’s with good health insurance, right?

Ady Barkan: It is just incredible to see how much energy is growing behind our social justice agenda.

Sen. Sanders: Absolutely, and this is what it is. That’s a good point, thank you for making it. This is a human rights’ struggle. That’s what it is. Does everybody in this country have a right to health care or do they not? Most Americans believe they do. So this is in the tradition of other great social justice struggles; of women’s rights, and civil rights, and gay rights, and labor rights, environmental rights, health care is a right as well and we’re gonna win this struggle and you’re paying a very important role in that struggle.

#AdyBarkan #Healthcare #MedicareForAll #BernieSanders

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Рекомендации по теме

This is beyond amazing. Power to the people. Climate change and medicare needs to be tackled in the U.S asap.


Bernie thinks we're gonna win this? I hope you're right, Bernie. I hope you're right.


Ady, do not risk your remaining days away from your precious family. We have your back! Your wife and son need you right now. Much love 💖✌🏽


i am actively dying from stage 4 cancer that has moved from my eye to my liver. i still cannot get health care. i filed for it and they were supposed to call me with an interview.. i called 7 days in a row. on the 10 day i got a letter saying i was denied due to not doing phone interview. i just mailed out a letter to my congressman today.. what do you bet i don't hear from them either.
now, i worked hard all my life and according to ssi have paid in 110, 000.00.. and i have less then a year to live. some politician will be relaxing on holiday on my hard earned money while i don't even have enough money to pay for my own burial..


This touched my heart. Bless this man for his courage to help us all. I hope to be half as brave as he is and stand up in what I believe in.


4:50 He cries. Amazing moment. Nods yes in agreement.


Adys words are so inspiring. I'm literally crying ;c


I've watched other interactions with him but this one moved me to sobbing tears.


Why do congressmen think m4a will be abused and a waste of money? Nobody likes going to a hospital unless you really have to. I am glad they used to this to shine a light on the type of people who will benefit and have a more dignified life because of it. People donate all the time why not help the sick/fellow americans who really need it??


Dude, why are you crying? I'm not crying, you are? no you are? OK, we both are crying.


You can thank David Rockefeller. They see it as a profit nothing more have nothing to do with helping other people.


Healthcare IS NOT a "human right." Never was & never will be. It's doesn't fit the strict criteria of a "human right." Healthcare is a moral issue, not a Rights issue.
