Lesson 18: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion
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We continue by implementing the OneCycleLR scheduler from PyTorch, which adjusts the learning rate and momentum during training. We also discuss how to improve the architecture of a neural network by making it deeper and wider, introducing ResNets and the concept of residual connections. Finally, we explore various ResNet architectures from the PyTorch Image Models (timm) library and experiment with data augmentation techniques, such as random erasing and test time augmentation.
0:00:00 - Accelerated SGD done in Excel
0:01:35 - Basic SGD
0:10:56 - Momentum
0:15:37 - RMSProp
0:16:35 - Adam
0:20:11 - Adam with annealing tab
0:23:02 - Learning Rate Annealing in PyTorch
0:26:34 - How PyTorch’s Optimizers work?
0:32:44 - How schedulers work?
0:34:32 - Plotting learning rates from a scheduler
0:36:36 - Creating a scheduler callback
0:40:03 - Training with Cosine Annealing
0:42:18 - 1-Cycle learning rate
0:48:26 - HasLearnCB - passing learn as parameter
0:51:01 - Changes from last week, /compare in GitHub
0:52:40 - fastcore’s patch to the Learner with lr_find
0:55:11 - New fit() parameters
0:56:38 - ResNets
1:17:44 - Training the ResNet
1:21:17 - ResNets from timm
1:23:48 - Going wider
1:26:02 - Pooling
1:31:15 - Reducing the number of parameters and megaFLOPS
1:35:34 - Training for longer
1:38:06 - Data Augmentation
1:45:56 - Test Time Augmentation
1:49:22 - Random Erasing
1:55:55 - Random Copying
1:58:52 - Ensembling
2:00:54 - Wrap-up and homework
Many thanks to Francisco Mussari for timestamps and transcription.