How To Fix Unauthorized Changes Blocked in Windows 10

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To Fix Unauthorized Changes Blocked in Windows 10, open Windows Defender Settings. Then click on “Open Windows Defender Security Center”. In the new window, click on “Virus and threat protection”.
In the next window, Click on “Virus and threat protection settings”. In the next window, locate “Controlled folder access”, and click on the link “Manage Controlled folder access”.
In the next window, turn off the option there.
(We recommend to keep that option turned on to protect your device from unauthorized changes.)
This video will be useful for the following issues:
How To Fix Unauthorized Changes Blocked in Windows 10 ?
How To Fix Controlled Folder Access Blocked in Windows 10 ?
How To Turn off Controlled Folder Access in Windows 10 ?
How To Turn on Controlled Folder Access in Windows 10 ?
We hope this video will help you… Thank you for watching this video by TechBee..!! If this helped you, don’t forget to like this video and subscribe our channel…!! Please share with us your experience by commenting below..
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In the next window, Click on “Virus and threat protection settings”. In the next window, locate “Controlled folder access”, and click on the link “Manage Controlled folder access”.
In the next window, turn off the option there.
(We recommend to keep that option turned on to protect your device from unauthorized changes.)
This video will be useful for the following issues:
How To Fix Unauthorized Changes Blocked in Windows 10 ?
How To Fix Controlled Folder Access Blocked in Windows 10 ?
How To Turn off Controlled Folder Access in Windows 10 ?
How To Turn on Controlled Folder Access in Windows 10 ?
We hope this video will help you… Thank you for watching this video by TechBee..!! If this helped you, don’t forget to like this video and subscribe our channel…!! Please share with us your experience by commenting below..
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