LORDS OF THE SOUND 'Music is coming' - HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ (15/4/2019) [LIVE]

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00:00 - 01:24 Stage entry
01:25 - 03:29 Avengers
04:22 - 09:21 Harry Potter
09:22 - 14:16 The Lord of the Rings
14:17 - 18:49 The Great Wall
18:50 - 25:55 Pirates of the Caribbean
25:56 - 30:58 The Witcher
30:59 - 35:49 Warcraft
35:50 - 43:15 Skyrim
43:16 - 47:54 Assassin's Creed
47:55 - 56:55 Game of Thrones
56:56 - 01:06:53 Vikings

01:06:54 - 01:09:54 Police Academy (Blue Oyster Bar)
01:09:55 - 01:11:53 An Irish Party Third Class (Titanic)
01:11:54 - 01:13:24 Pirates of Caribbean (He's a Pirate)

recorded on Samsung Galaxy S7 edge
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Možná že letos na to půjdu, ale nevím co od toho očekávat, prozatím mám za sebou Hanz Zimmera v O2 areně, a v dubnu po druhé na Two Steps from Hell. Tak se lehce bojím že bych šel o nějaku úroveň níže, ale pravda pokuď najdu tak nemůžu soudit. TSfH se moc těším :)


Tak to je masakr ještě že jsem to objevil hned na další musim jet :)


Tak jsme byly včera v Liberci ... no ... Housle (i v tomto videu) byly o půl tonu níž, než mají bejt (nejlépe slyšet v HP music). Ten chlap ... no snažil se nám tam uzpívat Divu z 5th Elementu ... marně samože ... A nakonec jako bonus nám tam dali Jožina z bažin ... naprosté zlo ... Takže ... díky, znovu už ne....


Вартує сходити на концерт, особливо заради тенора альтіно Ярослава, винятковий голос! Була вчора в Їглаві на їх концерті.


01:09:55 - 01:11:53 je Titanic (píseň z podpalubí)


Had see them in France 2 years ago, great expérience


Velmi nekvalitne zahrane. Dnes som to komentoval na fb, stranku ktora im predava listky. Tak zlych Piratov co ma tento orchester, ...Zaklinaca tiez, ..no a vrchol bol Diva Dance z 5 Elementu!!! Velmi amatersky orchester a prevedenie!! Samozrejme, ze koment mi z fb vymazali :))) a zablokovali mi pridavat dalsie.


Přesně jak jejich zedníci... dům asi stát bude ale dveře drhnou, okno je o kus vedle a každý schod jinak vysoký


You are cool) But please, put brass behind strings. They are too loud.


Il me tarde le 17 mars à Bordeaux.... 😍


Dobry den, isla hudba cisto iba z instrumentov v hale, alebo z reproduktorov, aby dociahla dalej aj do lacnejsich sedadiel? :)
Vidim ze maju mikrofony na nastrojoch, ale neviem ci to je iba pre zaznam, alebo aj prehravane v hale.


01:09:55 je myslím The Cat and The Moon z The Lord of the Rings :) Jinak děkuji


39:15, celkom sklamany jak to zahrali ...od origa to ma velmi daleko


ale jo je tam slyšet WOTLK login screen music xd (warcraft)


Just saw this in Tallinn. Do not expect high-level performances here.
The long introductions to every song are tedious, unnecessary, boring, and distracting. Would have preferred a medley any time.
The hard Ukrainian accent for the English songs are ... most noticeable (toss a coin to the witcher).
In the middle of the first half, for some reason, we were forced to applaud the orchestra and the conductor. Why not at the end of the half?
Perhaps the artists couldn't hear themselves - I'm not sure, but the performances were out of tune at times. There was also the issue of timings for the drummer, strings, brass, guitar.
The electric piano sounded cheap and distracting! Audio levels were not pleasant by any measure.
The diva dance song started off ok, but I'm sad to say that the singer just cannot deliver this extremely demanding piece. I'd suggest making it your own, instead of trying to compete with autotune.
Guardians of the galaxy (Hooked on a feeling) song was a horrendous mess, the whole orchestra overdid it, resulting in noise rather than music, and the singers, in turn, tried to sing over the orchestra, causing what could only be described as a painful auditory experience. I looked around me and saw many cringing faces, so that was definitely not just me.
In conclusion, the whole thing didn't leave a particularly high-level impression at all, which would be totally fine, but the introduction led me to believe I was about to witness some extraordinary event with never-before-seen quality and mastery.
But there were applauses and even some ovations, so I guess some people liked it.
Sorry, but it was a big disappointment for me.


Только ради последних двух частей на это стоит сходить!


V piatok som bol na ich koncert v Nitre (Slovensko) a osobne som nemal až tak obrovské nároky, žiadneho Zimmera som neočakával a koncert som si aj tak dosť užil (miestami som mal aj zimomriavky a inak totálnu nostalgiu). Podľa niektorých komentárov pod videom som čakal totálnu katastrofu, ale až na Diva Dance z 5th Element (neviem, či sa to stalo aj niekomu inému, ale nepodarilo sa im načasovať dobre sprievodné video Divy v pozadí so spevákom + prevedenie mohlo byť aj lepšie) to bolo pomerne na úrovni. Jediný taký nitpick ktorý by som mal je ten, že pri Rains of Castamere bolo trošičku u speváka počuť ukrajinský prízvuk, ale dalo sa to prežiť a nebolo to až také výrazné.
