Humpday Q&A/AMA :: 7th September 2022 :: #HumpdayQandA #Flutter #FlutterCommunity

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0:00 Intro
2:10 Start
24:55 Q: why is there a ketchup bottle on Simon's desk? - Roaa Khaddam
27:08 Q: how can we use DataTable within listview? i am facing a flickering issue. while I'm doing that. please provide any solution for this. - harsh joshi
29:11 Q: Anyone here using dart for the backend for real? - Shanu
29:24 Q: Have you guys seen the Flutter Animate package that gskinner has released? - The Shrike
32:53 Q: What were some of your favorite takeaways from Flutter Vikings? - Elijah Luckey
37:40 Q: Does R8 technology of building bundle secures app from reverse Engineering?- Chandan Gaur
39:54 Q: any suggestions for dio error handling packages - Mas
43:05 Q: Any cool repo for dart as backend? - Flutter boi
46:37 Q: I have a project for a client based on Flutter 1.17.0 stable and we will need to upgrade to the last version of Flutter, could you help me about this? - Imad Bouirmane
50:11 Q: Any library to put a password on a media file ? - Chandan Gaur
52:15 Q: Can you give us some explanation about the new graphic engine SDK Impeller ? - Imad Bouirmane
57:39 Q: What is the best practice to bypass of CORS error? - Pia
59:35 Q: Related to http, when setting a proxy on the host platform (in Android settings for example), Dart seems to ignore that. Will these updates change that? - Fré Dumazy
1:00:20 Q: Is there a way we can preserve a state of widget if we push another route? Example: lets say I have a webview which plays video in it. I need to implement a fullscreen or push it to other screen. - Krish Bhanushali ... Q: well I get you but can we do that with webviews? - Krish Bhanushali
1:02:50 Q: sometimes flutter apps using platform features like font style in Android, back button icon in ios. is that really supposed to be like that? - Shanu
1:03:57 Q: What kind of implementations on firebase prevent DDOS attacks? - Pia
1:04:46 Q: Images take up a lot of memory. How to recreate: well load 100 images and see memory shoot up? - Krish Bhanushali
1:12:17 Q: How can we build for Linux ARM devices from another architecture (eg. Intel Mac)? Is building within a Docker ARM-based container the best option? - Fré Dumazy
1:13:54 Q: any update on Fuchsia? - Shanu
1:15:00 Q: I'm on my way to making a full app with Flutter but I will need a static website, could I use Astro JS inside the Flutter project, if its yes, could you guide me ? - Imad Bouirmane
1:16:43 Q: probably cause Dio merges all kind of errors into a "DioError"? - Krischan1712
1:17:44 Q: any opensource flutter projects that use android 12 material you (color from wallpaper), for reference? - Shanu
1:18:17 Q: Any Right way to run background service when the app is not in the background ? - Chandan Gaur
1:22:11 Q: Why linting is underrated? Nobody cares about it usually. I think Flutter team enforced some lints in Flutter 2.5. otherwise 99% would not getting benefitted. - Usama Karim
1:25:07 Q: Any suggestions for writing for foldable? (Am I allowed to ask questions 🙂) - Flutterfly
1:27:41 Q: how can we handle live video streaming in flutter? are there any default tools? - Mtho
1:31:44 Q: How do they think unique name about products? feat: Impeller - Usama Karim
1:32:46 Q. What is your approach to debugging issues, after going through your code and it appears you are doing everything right? - David Nwaneri
1:41:57 Q: What is the best way to connect a sdk to flutter that's written in java for android? What resources should i look for? (willing to learn java too if needed) - Mostafijul Islam
1:45:12 Q: I could maybe have tried Spacer widget - Calan M
1:46:50 Q: Hashblur Simon? - Krish Bhanushali
1:47:10 Q: I have a decent knowledge in flutter what would guys recommend to learn next ? - Train Of Thought
1:48:35 Q: How can you make a good use of isolates? Is it a good thing to load cached images using object box on other thread rather than on main UI thread? - Krish Bhanushali
1:52:46 Q: about CI, can you guys share a sample for flutter analyser that fails if rules are not met? - Júlio Tati
1:53:44 Q: Best way to handle responsiveness in flutter for all screens..... - Ritesh Kumar Tiwari
1:57:05 Outro with Majid Hajian
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0:00 Intro
2:10 Start
24:55 Q: why is there a ketchup bottle on Simon's desk? - Roaa Khaddam
27:08 Q: how can we use DataTable within listview? i am facing a flickering issue. while I'm doing that. please provide any solution for this. - harsh joshi
29:11 Q: Anyone here using dart for the backend for real? - Shanu
29:24 Q: Have you guys seen the Flutter Animate package that gskinner has released? - The Shrike
32:53 Q: What were some of your favorite takeaways from Flutter Vikings? - Elijah Luckey
37:40 Q: Does R8 technology of building bundle secures app from reverse Engineering?- Chandan Gaur
39:54 Q: any suggestions for dio error handling packages - Mas
43:05 Q: Any cool repo for dart as backend? - Flutter boi
46:37 Q: I have a project for a client based on Flutter 1.17.0 stable and we will need to upgrade to the last version of Flutter, could you help me about this? - Imad Bouirmane
50:11 Q: Any library to put a password on a media file ? - Chandan Gaur
52:15 Q: Can you give us some explanation about the new graphic engine SDK Impeller ? - Imad Bouirmane
57:39 Q: What is the best practice to bypass of CORS error? - Pia
59:35 Q: Related to http, when setting a proxy on the host platform (in Android settings for example), Dart seems to ignore that. Will these updates change that? - Fré Dumazy
1:00:20 Q: Is there a way we can preserve a state of widget if we push another route? Example: lets say I have a webview which plays video in it. I need to implement a fullscreen or push it to other screen. - Krish Bhanushali ... Q: well I get you but can we do that with webviews? - Krish Bhanushali
1:02:50 Q: sometimes flutter apps using platform features like font style in Android, back button icon in ios. is that really supposed to be like that? - Shanu
1:03:57 Q: What kind of implementations on firebase prevent DDOS attacks? - Pia
1:04:46 Q: Images take up a lot of memory. How to recreate: well load 100 images and see memory shoot up? - Krish Bhanushali
1:12:17 Q: How can we build for Linux ARM devices from another architecture (eg. Intel Mac)? Is building within a Docker ARM-based container the best option? - Fré Dumazy
1:13:54 Q: any update on Fuchsia? - Shanu
1:15:00 Q: I'm on my way to making a full app with Flutter but I will need a static website, could I use Astro JS inside the Flutter project, if its yes, could you guide me ? - Imad Bouirmane
1:16:43 Q: probably cause Dio merges all kind of errors into a "DioError"? - Krischan1712
1:17:44 Q: any opensource flutter projects that use android 12 material you (color from wallpaper), for reference? - Shanu
1:18:17 Q: Any Right way to run background service when the app is not in the background ? - Chandan Gaur
1:22:11 Q: Why linting is underrated? Nobody cares about it usually. I think Flutter team enforced some lints in Flutter 2.5. otherwise 99% would not getting benefitted. - Usama Karim
1:25:07 Q: Any suggestions for writing for foldable? (Am I allowed to ask questions 🙂) - Flutterfly
1:27:41 Q: how can we handle live video streaming in flutter? are there any default tools? - Mtho
1:31:44 Q: How do they think unique name about products? feat: Impeller - Usama Karim
1:32:46 Q. What is your approach to debugging issues, after going through your code and it appears you are doing everything right? - David Nwaneri
1:41:57 Q: What is the best way to connect a sdk to flutter that's written in java for android? What resources should i look for? (willing to learn java too if needed) - Mostafijul Islam
1:45:12 Q: I could maybe have tried Spacer widget - Calan M
1:46:50 Q: Hashblur Simon? - Krish Bhanushali
1:47:10 Q: I have a decent knowledge in flutter what would guys recommend to learn next ? - Train Of Thought
1:48:35 Q: How can you make a good use of isolates? Is it a good thing to load cached images using object box on other thread rather than on main UI thread? - Krish Bhanushali
1:52:46 Q: about CI, can you guys share a sample for flutter analyser that fails if rules are not met? - Júlio Tati
1:53:44 Q: Best way to handle responsiveness in flutter for all screens..... - Ritesh Kumar Tiwari
1:57:05 Outro with Majid Hajian