Stop A Girl On The Street - Runaround Technique

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David demonstrates how to stop a girl on the street using his runaround technique.


I now live my dream life with my dream woman. But it wasn't always this way.

9 years ago my dating life was at breaking point. When it came to women and dating, I was useless. Back then, I’d get 2 phone numbers per year and go on 1 date that would go nowhere. I had to change.

In 2013 I went on a dating bootcamp where I learned to approach women, applying the system my coaches had developed. I collected 8 phone numbers that weekend and now had options.

Afterwards, I met a lot of women and had success, but something wasn’t right. I was having scripted conversations. So, I dropped the lines and brought my personality back into my interactions. I felt free.

What followed in my late twenties and early thirties was fantastic, happy times
I travelled the world with belief in myself and led a single life most men could never dream of. From Eastern Europe, the Middle East to Asia and South America I met some of the world’s hottest, most personable women and had a lot of fun. I wouldn’t have spent the time any other way.

Several years ago, I met my truly amazing girlfriend from a cold approach in Sydney. We started our relationship and I didn’t know it was possible to be this happy.

My dream life with women wasn’t achieved by some secret system. It came from being honest with myself and being honest with women. And thus, my motto, Dating Through Honesty was born.

My mission is to teach men how to meet, date and enjoy a long term relationship with the woman of their dreams.

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