G20 leaders laugh as Boris Johnson arrives late to summit photo

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Can’t even get it right when he’s playing at home. Explains why he was such a terrible foreign secretary. 🤦‍♂️


UK and Canada keeping the rest of the world waiting good to see


Us arrogant Brits laughed at Bush, laughed even more at Trump & look what we’ve got as PM ? Who’s laughing now ?!


A bigger gathering of villians and rouges you'll never find anywhere else


If you didn't come by private jet your not allowed in.?


The embarrassing issue is, they are laughing at him, and not with him.


Just completed the biggest carbon footprint in history getting there and what's the summit for? Yep, to compare how their shares in vaccines are doing.


Biggest CO2 polluters per capita are
4. Canada, 5. Australia, 9. US.
China with its 1.4 billion population
is ranked lower down at 38. position in the list
even lower than the UK, Japan and Germany.
Source: World Bank CO2 emissions
Accessed 18 August 2021

China has planted trees all over the country,
even in rural areas and deserts.
NASA says as an independent observer
our earth is greener today than 20 years ago
thanks to China and India's reforestation.

While G7 countries are just keep talking about climate change,
since 2020 China’s already installed
more than 800, 000 public EV charging stations
more than 900, 000 home and workplace charging points stations
wind power farms at 282GW
solar power farms at 205GW
hydropower plants at 370GW

There are not only millions of EVs in China
but China has also got the infrastructures for it
and there are parking metres all over the place.

China can not only make her own EVs
but also make her own batteries and all car parts at one single place.
This will reduce both the production costs and time
and increase the profit margins to become more competitive.

Street lights, billboards, timetable on bus stops etc. are solar powered

They’ve also gone cashless since the last nine years.

They’ve not only got the biggest, strong vibrant and innovative economy
but they’ve also got the fastest 5G internet
turning cities into ‘smart cities’ with high technology designed to:
control your world with just your fingertips on your phone
from getting vaccinated to doing all your shopping
increase efficiencies and improve people’s daily lives
ensure a smooth and faster commute
decrease crime in your neighbourhood
clear the air from smog.

These are just a small examples of what China is doing
to slow down global warming.
What has the G7 countries done so far?

Aren't Chinese now living the 'smarter' version of the 'American Dream'
that many countries wish to be part of that?

But the things China has done so far
was never mentioned by our media.
They only thing they’re doing is
keep pointing fingers at China and India
as the biggest polluter in the world
without providing any evidence to back up their claim.


I don't know why the EU is being invited to all the World Leaders summit 🤧😖


Why do the US and many Western countries
have no high-speed trains?
Have big car and oil companies paid off our politicians
to keep the trains from expanding
and was it intended for train companies to FAIL completely?

US train company Amtrak’s chronic delays are costing millions of dollars.
It’s spending more on fuel,
labour and even maintaining extra locomotives and rail cars
than it needs as a result of poor on-time performance.
Even if they add more than 50 new routes
they’re still one our two hours SLOWER than a car.

The cost for UK HS2 high-speed-train project
has ballooned from 30 billion to over 120 billion.
To reduce the production cost
they're cutting certain sections of the HS2 tracks
which means they're going to use the EXISTING TRACKS
the HS2 trains will travel on the same speed
as the existing trains
or maybe just 5 to 10 minutes faster.

Paying over 120 billion
just for just 10 minutes faster.
It's not even high-speed trains
like the ones China are building around the world.

Could it be deliberate by these companies
that have more to gain from the consumers
buying cars and the petrol to run them
dealing with all the parties involved,
politics and people with their HANDS IN THE POT
and not to mention the high price
to buy the land and labour costs are astronomical?

And why has the US a terrible healthcare system,
low internet speed
more mass shootings,
fighting unpopular, endless and costly wars in other countries
air and water pollution
no high-speed trains
bad food quality
hormones in beef and pork
genetically modified crops, fruits and vegetables
chlorinated chicken
overprocessed convenience food full of chemicals?

Aren’t powerful companies and banks
paying off governments in the West
and how much these companies CONTROL and RUN our governments?

China's BRI built high-speed trains in Asia and around the world.

But we’re expected to believe
China and Russia are the threat for the world
the US intends to defend the "rules-based order"
that Russia and China are posing a challenge to.


So it's not just the UK laughing at bend over boris... We need a real leader real quick 👀🇬🇧


Anything for attention. Justin is just the worst


Britain always remain great it doesn't matter who is the prime minister


Britain is becoming weaker and weaker. Brexit areas (like clacton and thanet) are starving. The Brtish nhs is the shittiest in europe. Illegal immigration has increased, while EU graduates are leaving England.

Dear Britain, the causes of your decline are all inherent in your own people and your families.


Late train? If so, serves him right for letting his party, do privatisation of the trains. 😁


If it wasn't for Britain they'd all be speaking GERMAN! Laugh at that!
