Step By Step: How to make $100k your FIRST YEAR as a Real Estate Agent

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Here’s how you can make $100,000 your first year as a real estate agent, step-by-step, and the process involved day-to-day to hit that goal. Enjoy! Add me on Instagram/Snapchat: GPStephan More information below...

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Anytime you set a goal in real estate, it’s really important to work backwards in order to find out how to hit that goal. Figure out how much real estate you’ll need to sell, the average price of a home in your area, and how many people you’ll need to meet to make those numbers work. For simplicity sake, lets just say you need $5,000,000 in sales to net $100k. Look at the average purchase price of the area you want to work in, or are working in, and divide that number by $5,000,000. We will assume you will need 14 homes to hit $100k in net commission at $350k average price. The next step is to figure out how you’re going to sell 14 homes…

And we’ll break it down further. In order to hit high sales numbers, you WILL need to prospect for business. It’s said that you’ll generally make about 1 sale for every 180 people you come in contact with. And by contact, I mean you actually have a conversation with them about real estate for the purposes of finding out if they want to buy or sell.

So with that, to sell 14 homes…you’ll need to meet 2,520 contacts over the course of a year, or 210 per month. This also works out to be an average of 7 contacts per DAY. So how can you do this? Here’s my ideal recommendation:

Going after expired listings:

I’d also recommend holding open houses every single Saturday and Sunday. Just by doing this, you could easily meet another 3-20+ people in a few hours:

The third option you can do is going after homes under construction. Walk in, find the contractor, and find out if the home is going to be sold or rented…if so, introduce yourself to the owner. Find out how much they want to list it for and bam…use this as an opportunity to pitch your services as a Realtor:

Finally, you can cold call or door knock for business. Especially if you’re aiming for a lofty goal of $100k in your first year, door knocking or cold calling will be pretty much required as you’re growing your business. You’ll need to build up a lot of contacts and a lot of experience quickly, and this is one of the best ways of doing this by just using your time.

But one of the largest components of all of this…FOLLOW UP. Don’t be afraid of being annoying. You will NEED to do this…yes, some people will get annoyed, but those aren’t the people you want to work with, anyway. Because if you don’t consistently follow up, you will lose out on business and all of your hard work will be for nothing.

Doing this consistently should lead you to about 14 sales, which should equate to $100k given a $350,000 sale price at 2.5% commission. If you’re in a higher priced area, this could actually lead to way more.

Now with something like this, a few things that I should mention:

When you’re just starting out, there’s a steep learning curve. You will mess up. You will make mistakes. That’s part of the process. It’s okay - it will take some time to find a balance of what works best with your style and personality. And finally, with something like this, personal work ethic matters a lot. The reason why most people fail is because they expect quick commissions or get into it for the wrong reasons. If you’re interested in real estate and really enjoy it, and have the self motivation to continue pushing through the times when you’re frustrated and feel like you’re not getting anywhere, you’ll do well. But how hard you push yourself will make the difference -you need to be consistent, and you need to be dedicated to hitting your numbers.

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Earning $100k as a real estate agent is totally doable. I made over $157k my first year in the business where the average sale price in our state is about 174K. (Wisconsin) Lots of good advice.


#1 reason why I like door knocking: it builds confidence. At least for me :)


As an 18 year old myself, your story is inspiring. Over the next few days I’m going to comb through every one of your videos and learn as much as I can. Thank you for the opportunity to learn, you’re truly a blessing.


This is awesome information, I feel like you could have easily sold this in a $299.99 course but instead you educated us for free! Super grateful! Please keep the great content coming!


Great advice! I earned $103k on my first year in Real Estate while working as a nurse then $193, 000 on my second year and quit my job that year. Planning to do at least $250, 000 this year. One formula I look at if you want to make $100, 000 a year is if you work 40 hours a week for forty weeks in the year then your hourly rate is $67/hr. If you’re paying youself $67 /hr to work are you just gonna sit your butt off or are you going to be hard at work?


As a Real Estate Broker since 2010 here in the Bay Area, this video is excellent!


I meet 15-20 people a day with a few hours working with Lyft-Uber Haha.
This is great info.


I watched this video in high school as soon as I got the notification to it. Here I am back again to thank you, I’ve got 3 $500, 000 houses listed, Depositing $500 a month into VT Sachs ETF for the dividends, and putting every penny away. Never have I ever had better advice than what you’ve provided, YOU ARE THE BOMB!


This video is filled with so much helpful advice. Thanks!


I tried to report this video but I couldn't find an option for "great content"


I'm 5 min into the video and I already love how hes breaking everything down so it doesn't seem intimidating. My bfs mom is a Registered Nurse and a Real estate agent and she's really good at what she does and lately I've been fascinated by it and this video really helped!❤


I'm 14 years old, I live in nashville tennesse, and I have watched everything, single, video you have posted. I promise you myself that as soon as I turn 18, I'm going to make over 100k my first year. You are the most helpful himan being in the world because you literally deliver every peice of information about real estate, credit cards, you literally told us step by step how to travel across countries COMPLETELY FREE. It a blessing from god people like you exist because you legitimately want to help people. I promise you, your gonna make thousands of people grow wealthy and smart completely based off from a free platform as YouTube. Love you bro bro, absolutely love you.

(Ahh but like no homo though because im not like that)


Really like these black and white moments you throw in 😂😂


Thank you for the opportunity to learn, you’re truly a blessing.


I’m so happy I found this video, I’m starting my real estate journey and this was extremely helpful! Thank you 🙏🏼


Brother you are one of a kind. God bless you, your finances, and your family always.


I like to go back through your old videos to see what you’ve done. I’m a new agent and have hit the 100K in my first year as a brand new agent, while being active duty military.


My friend sold simple single family homes at Lennar in SE Florida earning $175, 000 before tax and still over $100, 000 after all in her first year. Each of the +20 homes she sold were only in the $300, 000 to $500, 000 price range.


I'm so glad I came across you and all your videos. Thank you!


Best video i have seen in a long time!! This really resonated with me and spoke to me!
