Hit In The Eye? Eye Doctor Explains When To Worry

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Poked in the eye? Did your child grab your glasses and scratch your eye? Or maybe your pet? Ophthalmologist, Dr. Rupa Wong explains what signs and symptoms to look out for if you've been scratched in the eye. #cornealabrasion #scratchedeye #drrupa

In this video, Dr. Wong will answer the following questions:
When should be worried if you get scratched on the eye?
What treatment do you need for an eye scratch?
Should you wear an eye patch?
Should you start eye drops for an eye scratch?
What is a corneal abrasion?
Is a corneal abrasion dangerous?
What is a ruptured globe?

Be sure to check out our other eye health videos like:

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MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including: infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any med­ical advice on the Site. Access­ing, viewing, read­ing or oth­er­wise using this content does NOT cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and it’s author. Pro­vid­ing per­sonal or med­ical infor­ma­tion to the Principal author does not cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and the Principal author or authors. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or it’s description is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed physi­cian or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your health.
Рекомендации по теме

I've had a friend's long finger nail scratch my L eye, years later Mardi Gras beads slam my L eye, and years later -today- an umbrella (hard to close) reopened and knocked me in the L eye. I have had surgery for glaucoma w some damage to optic nerve back in 2020. So far, my eye is feeling better.. vision same. Notified Dr.. all wait n watch.. I always pray all is fine ! And believe it!


Stumbled upon this video not cos I a was poked in the eye but cos your video came up my home feed haha... been watching some of your videos and commented. :)


Thanks for your information. My son got poke into his eyes while working on his truck 😢no one is around.. I hope he will be fine. 🙏🙏


Great video! How do we prevent a young child from rubbing the eyes before we meet the doctor without an eye patch? What would you recommend to protect the eye till we see the ophthalmologist?


I wish I would of seen this video a few years ago. I was waking in the woods in the dark, without glasses. Turned around and got scratched on the cornea by a tree branch. Didn’t know it was a scratch tho. It was HELL!! Omg all night long I thought I had a piece of bark stuck in the top of my lid. I couldn’t open it and tears kept streaming out. Even with my eye shut. Ughh ended up going to the hospital in the morning. Doctors Couldn’t see anything until they dropped some yellow dye in there. Under a blue light. And yep has a nice big old scratch a millimeter away from my pupil. Thank god for the numbing gel they gave me, to flip my lid to make sure no bark was there.

Most horrible night of my life. Next 3 days were also bad. They ended up giving me gel antibiotic. Healed nice. I still wake up sometimes in the night, opening my eyes on my hair and the feeling comes back all over again. Hate it.


You didnt mention seeing your optometrist, they are often easier to get in to see and closer to where you are, have longer office hours, and will only have to refer if it is surgical.


My cat poked me in my eye yesterday it really hurt my mom told me to put an ice pack on it thank goodness his claws wasn’t out so the next day I woke up and my eye was red so then I searched up how to make your eye better when being poked in the eye and this video came up on the you can do list on blinking I was like ok so you can blink to make it better so I did that all day today and now I’m better thank you 😊


My classmate was playing and then he accidentally poked me in the eye.. I was too scared to tell teacher so I didn’t, I just came home. I almost cried


My eye got hitted by a football when playing.That eye is a little blurred now but positively I have no so much pain there .Should I consult a doctor ..


I also got poked in my eye, leaving a brown mark... But when I'm go to the doctor, he said it was a nevus😢 I'm sad it's been three years and it doesn't disappear


Doctor would you recommend Prokera ring for corneal injuries or they are not as effective?


I got punched in the eye by my little sister💀. This helps so much! ❤

(I subscribed)


I'm still dealing with an eye problem after my 3-year-old holding a stick fell backward and gouged me in the eye two decades ago! The raised scar gets dry and really hurts in the morning if I haven't had much sleep. That injury hurt even more than childbirth and a broken bone. The ER docs had no idea it would be so painful. For the past 2 years, I've been using Refresh Optive Mega-3 Eye Drops twice a day, and those have helped a lot. Love your channel!💖😎


I was installing a huge window some 25 yrs ago, I was hammering a shim, trying to break it off, a piece about 8" long came back into my eye, had to pull it out immediately. It hurt for about 30 days. I recently went back to my eye doctor. She almost told me about how many yrs...she guessed 20 yrs.


Thank you for the information. Us the second time that happens. The first was with a nife and now is with a toenail 😒 it poked my right eye and it hurts 😢


I did everything you said not to do 😐 I bought the eye patch and I put my contact because it felt better with them 😅


My 4 year old cousin accidentally hit me in the eye by his heel soooo bad and it hurt a lot and became red.

I thought I was going to have a chronic problem with my eye. I watched your video before seeking medical attention and it calmed me a bit.

The doctor told me my eye is physically ok. Thanks for this video.


I’m watching this as I just got hit in the eye few days ago, I thought it was gonna get better I was so scared that I was gonna go blind lowkey. But it’s still red and painful rn


Hi, i have a question about revitalash. I ve Used it and now i have atrophy. What should i do? I am really really sad about this.


A ball hit my eye and I see things like a long exposure photography. It's been a year and I don't see any improvement. I tried wearing my friends glasses and they increased clarity but still those lines of light doesn't disappear. They become long if I see far situated objects.
