Escape from Planet Earth, Hazmats named after famous celebrities

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The Hazmats in the film, "Escape from Planet Earth" are the troops who work for their leader, General Shanker, who is the main antagonist of the film, to destroy the alien civilization with a super weapon called the Peace Shield, an enormous space gun that could destroy Comets, Meteors, Meteorites, and especially planets, it was made by the aliens that Shanker lured down to earth to use them to make technical devices and sell it worldwide, to make his business in Area 51 increase profitably and get deals with a lot of technical companies, such as Apple, Facebook, Google, etc., he even wanted them to make the Peace Shield, in exchange he'll return them to their home planets, only to trick them and be secretly be put in the freezer, so Shanker can destroy all of the alien planets one by one because he believes that aliens are Earth's biggest threat, due to his background story of his father getting killed by aliens while him and his father were stargazing, the hazmats are voiced by voice actors we never heard of and a few we might heard of based on TV shows. They were never even unmasked or unsuited throughout the film, not even having a see-through mask leaving me to think that there's no one inside of them, but had different voices and I believe whichever hazmat moves mostly by their head is an indication of which hazmat is speaking. Each Hazmat is named after 4 famous filmmakers and 1 famous actor, so there were only a few celebrity references, One hazmat names each of them after the celebrity's first name and the other after the celebrity's last name.

Fun Fact: This also happened with the Penguins of Madagascar the movie, but Dave the Octopus, who is the main antagonist of the film, names his Octopus henchmen, instead of his henchmen naming their partners the celebrity names because all they do is make bubble sounds that only Dave can understand, so his henchmen men are named based on the celebrity's first name and last name based on puns or whenever Dave orders them to do something for him, however, this film came out in 2014 while Escape from Planet Earth came out in 2013, so Escape from Planet Earth did this first.
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