Accuracy Of Small Fiber Neuropathy Testing? #pots #longcovid #dysautonomia #headinjury #concussion

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The diagnosis of small fiber neuropathy is crucial due to its association with various autonomic conditions. A punch biopsy is considered the gold standard for assessing nerve fiber density in skin tissue, which helps confirm the diagnosis. The examination typically focuses on one side of the body, raising questions about differentiating symptoms when they present unilaterally. Sensory testing can reveal low sensitivity to sharp stimuli and temperature changes, with results varying based on body position. For some patients, symptoms may normalize when lying down or change with head position, indicating the need for a nuanced approach to understanding and managing these conditions effectively.

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I found your channel by random on imgur. I was in a quite severe accident last year that made me blind in my right eye and I got a 1.4cm long metal wire permanently stuck in my brain from it. It managed to travel through the optic nerve hole in the eye socket. It's stuck in the motorics center of my brain I do not appear to have any neurological issues and every doctor I've met can barely believe the x-rays they see and how I appear/behave infront of them. But they can also not say that I will be able to tie my own shoes in 5 years from now even tho I am quite issue free today from the brain damage.


I was diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy of my hands. Doctor would not do the punch test, so I do not know if I got an accurate diagnosis or not. He said test was not necessary. I asked for it multiple times. I see a new neurologist tomorrow, so I am hoping she is more enthusiastic about getting to the bottom of things. Not just the small fiber, but other neurological deficits.


I have small fiber neuropathy. The dr diagnosed with the punch thing. He said it came from my pots.


If you have tinnitus good chance you have it
