When Scandal Rocks the Church... A Word About IHOPKC

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Carl Lentz, Mark Driscoll, Hillsong

Every other week, it seems like a new high-profile Christian leader or institution is in the news, exposed for covering up years of sin. Many believers are left wounded by the church and stuck asking, "Was that experience with God even real?"

In this episode of Worship is My Weapon, Rita Springer responds to the new allegations of an affair between Misty Edwards and Kevin Prosch, prominent worship leaders from IHOPKC.

Rita shares her personal experience with IHOP and gives an insider's perspective on the dark side of the worship industry.

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Chapter Markers:
00:00 Coming Up
00:38 Let’s Talk About This
02:25 Ritas Connection With IHOP (International House of Prayer)
03:32 Responding to Moral Failure Like Jesus
06:40 Prophetic Dream in 2022 About Misfits in Church
12:46 Bad Behavior in Church - How Do People Get There?
14:30 How God Sees Your Life
17:58 Rita’s Perspective on How to Respond
20:15 What Is God Saying to Us in This Season?
21:41 Is God Involved in Music Charts and Awards
25:10 How to Tell if It’s Authentic
29:51 Why Is This Happening?
32:08 Trusting Institutions That Have Failed Us
33:00 Having Accountability
36:12 Desiring the Presence of God
37:41 The Influence of Kevin Prosh
43:57 Heed the Red Flags With Prayer
54:40 So How Do We Respond?
01:01:01 What Would Jesus Do?

Music Sync ID: MB01XVVXHQ3H0SY
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When minestry becomes performance, then the sanctuary becomes a theatre.The congregation becomes an audience, worship becomes entertainment and man's applause and approval becomes the measure of success.

Thank you for this video.😊


I was abused by the pastor of my church! I’m a living testimony that people are fallible but JESUS IS


Confession is completely overlooked. I was a Worship Leader but had hidden sin. I finally broke in front of strangers but they were believers in a home bible study. I confessed. They prayed, I knew if I didnt I wasnt going to be able to function. I was destroying everything in my life and felt sick in my stomach. Regardless of my abuse I was filled with demon spirits from open doors. Deliverance was my final move, The shame is gone! I repented and now I can obey HIm. I love my Jesus!! These people in leadership may need deliverance. Seriously. I pray for them.


I’ve been a Christian since 1975. Graduated from CFNI in 81. In various charismatic churches all my adult life. The best lesson I learned at CFNI was in the first week at orientation. Warned that we will see men of God fall. Don’t let it destroy your faith. Chew up the meat and spit out the bones. Stay in The Word.
So, I walk, try to walk, every day focused on God. Can’t be shaken by others weirdness or failings.


Anger is an appropriate response to abuse. It takes time for people to get through their processing. It's not unspiritual to start with anger or to feel it.


​​"No right to talk about anything you will not pray for" - SO GOOD!! 🔥


"When you lose the voice of the Shepard you become attuned to the voice of the stranger." --so powerful. Thanks for addressing this, staying righteous, and speaking truth into this darkness.


Seven years isn't a mistake, it's a lifestyle. We have been betrayed by people we trusted. They knew what they were doing and didn't CARE.


What is outrageous is how many people had the sense that something was off, but they were ostracized and shut down as soon as they tried to speak out. Many 'little believers', considered unimportant by these large ministries and organizations, saw clearly that there were serious issues - abuse of power, sexual perversion, false teachings.. May God bring His justice and healing to all the victims!


Rita, thank you, I live in KC and this was the best handling of the situation I've heard. May the Lord help us all be faithful and humble intercessors.


Thank you for entering the discussion and sharing your heart. What is happening in KC has been gut wrenching.


I am so sorry but we are talking about predators here.. it’s not enough to see red flags, or to feel and be distant. We need to expose it, warn the church, stop them from ministry and protect the sheep. Complicity is not the way to go. We have victims because these ones have been allowed to continue ministering in the charismatic circles.


As a Christian counselor, I think the real emphasis should be on the countless innocent victims devastated by the abuse this wolf in Sheep’s clothing committed! They are wounded and have been silenced and marginalized. They deserve JUSTICE & God stands with such victims and wants the church to bring those victims into His fold for healing, restoration and support!!! This is where the emphasis should be placed. Who are they? Where are they? Who in the body of Christ is helping THEM??


I was a vineyard worship leader in the midwest for many years. The lack of spiritual character that was allowed by leadership was astounding, in the name of grace, which destroyed many lives. I no longer attend or work in any religious system, but continue to worship our Heavenly Father at home and in our home group. ❤


The thing is, Mike didn’t “get there.” He was already there from its foundation. “Wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Point blank.


The question to ask is: Are the people who have been lying and using/abusing young women throwing themselves on the floor in repentance or are they doubling down and running away from any responsibility and hoping they can manipulate others so they stop asking about their behaviour? A multitude of people have wanted to be transparent about this and bring in a third party to investigate but the perpetrator has shut it down. It starts with the person in power who used vulnerable women for their own needs owning their part and the victims being believed. Sunlight is a great disinfectant.


Wow. Conviction from the Holy Spirit over how the Lord chastised you for 'talking about someone you weren't willing to pray for". Thank you for sharing/teaching this important word.😢😢


I love your heart on this situation, Rita. Thank you for encouraging us to stand on the Word of God and be in prayer in situations like this. <3


As someone who loved Mike Bickle and his bible teachings, and also someone who was a part of a small house of prayer in Indiana for almost 10 years. It has been very hard for me to process this situation in a healthy way. It's been very depressing to watch people who I thought were respectable turn out to be anything but. And it's a lesson for all of us to not trust in man, and to make the bible, and Holy Spirit our main source of spiritual sustinance. Because man will always disappoint, man will always fail at the end of the day. But God remains faithful and true. This has all been very hard to deal with.


So much wisdom and insight spoken here. Our first responsibility is to have grace and pray for those who have fallen, knowing that we too fall daily. I hear hope in this message. Thank you - I needed to hear these words snd I could not be more removed from this whole story, but it doesn’t matter because what you shared applies to sooo many circumstances that we as believers face when it comes to hidden sin, denial, lack of accountability, missing red flags, confession and healing and the Lord’s grace and correction. ❤❤❤
