On the authorship of the Gospel of Mark

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A look at the authorship of the Gospel of Mark
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I did my dissertation on Mark....nice work


This identification of John Mark as the author of Peter's recollection of Jesus is reiterated by Irenaeus in Against Heresies 3.1, in the now traditional order of the four canonical Gospels:
Matthew also issued a written Gospel among the Hebrews in their own dialect, while Peter and Paul were preaching at Rome, and laying the foundations of the Church. After their departure, Mark, the disciple and interpreter of Peter, did also hand down to us in writing what had been preached by Peter. Luke also, the companion of Paul, recorded in a book the Gospel preached by him. Afterwards, John, the disciple of the Lord, who also had leaned upon His breast, did himself publish a Gospel during his residence at Ephesus in Asia.


The early part of this video misquotes Eusebius’s alleged quote of Papias in a key way: Eusebius quotes Papias to place Aristion and the presbyter John in the present tense, not the past tense; he likewise refers to Aristion and the presbyter John as “disciples.” It appears that Papias is using the words “elders” and “disciples” interchangeably in this passage.


The 4 gospels were written by Greek scribes . They were all titled ( The Word Of God ) the church changed the titles to Marc Mathew Luke and John at 180 ce. The gospels are anonymous . between 70 - 95 ce. Dr. Bart Ehrman


Papias could well be referring to the Mark who wrote what later became the Mark gospel. The structure of the gospel suggests that it was compiled from earlier sources, perhaps disconnected as he describes. Maybe it was arranged and edited by Mark's successor.


Dr Chuck Missler has an amazing video on U-tube, the last chapter of Mark that is absolutely mind blowing ! "The last 12 verses of Mark : Additions or Deletions ? "


around 4:40 you use Gibbon as an authority on Eusebius.... wasn't Gibbon biased against Catholicism? why should his words be readily swallowed?


If only we could interview mark or whatever he was called, just a few questions


Could you do a video explaining the origin and death of Jesus's father Joseph in extra biblical sources?


@Fishers of Evidence:

Could you suggest some reading homework?

I'd love to read examples of other literature from the time of the NT which operate in the same style / genre, namely trying to promote a certain version of a faith and diminish other versions, wrapped in a collection of metaphors and allegories, wrapped in a supposed biography.



Applying logic and reason to the writings of known liars and fabricators. Really good synopsis.


Instead of asking, who wrote the gospel of mark, we should ask, what kind of man wrote that gospel.


The Gospel of Mark is an official war story of the Resurrection as told by Cornelius, the senior centurion in Caesarea and Pilate's Chief of Staff to their higher authority in the Praetorian Guard, who I assume is Theophilus.

The praetorian Guard is the administrative state of the Roman Empire during the reign of the Caesars, but especially as a result of the reforms that Sejanus supervised until his execution in 31. The Praetorian Guard included all the executive functions of the American federal government, although not as distinctly or extensively differentiated, especially a world class spy system reflected by MI6/MI5 of the John LaCarre tradition as opposed to the bureaucracy of the CIA. In my mind, Theophilus was the George Smiley of the Palestine Desk in Rome, which included a clandestine secret Christian fellowship throughout the Roman legions, especially within the centuriate. By the time Claudius built the London Bridge, all the soldiers of the legions had been baptized in blood as Christian Soldiers. The two armies facing each other across the Milvian Bridge were composed of Christian Soldiers, the difference being the druid totem Constantine's troops brought from Britain. The biggest difference between the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England are the druid women, who were/are absolutely emancipated relative to the 7th Commandment. The Christian Soldiers from Britain, who left behind women who loved to fuck and met the Christian Soldiers from the Hellenistic Judaism of the Mediterranean where fucking was the only thing women were good for and it became a rout.

But in 40 CE, Cornelius was at the leading edge of the military learning curve that ultimately washed up on the sands of post modern historic deconstruction of the dialectic Marxism you employ between 64 and 70 as Hebrews, the finding osf the Palestine Desk run by Theophilus, and the founding manifesto of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Gospel of Mark is the product of the Hegelian processes of the Roman Republic that kept it intact for 1000 years. The mistake Constantine made after the Milvian Bridge was to disband the Praetorian Guard and tried to substitute the Council of Nicea for the administrative state in much the same manner as proposed by the January 6 Republicans under Steve Bannon's influence, if not command.

The American federal government is based squarely on the Roman model and its method of governance, the US Constitution, on both the experience of the Praetorian Guard and John Knox's Book of Discipline of the Presbyterian. Federalist 10 is a rip off of John Knox. And that's what Steve Bannon and Newt Gingrich want to blow up.

Cornelius and Jesus share a common epistemology, ontology and relationship with Yaweh, Queen of Battle. In 40, Cornelius was probably right at the end of his career. He had been seconded with Pilate to Caesarea as a lateral transfer out of the Praetorian Guard with the 10th Legion as the supernumerary centurion in a climax assignment, before retirement. In 58 - 61 CE, Cornelius was probably retired and living at his estate in Caesarea when he was instructed to summon Peter to a new direction for the expansion of the εὐαγγελίου. John Mark became the publisher of the Gospel of Mark in Alexandria and then wrote The Gospel of John at the insistence of Papias as a companion narrative to Cornelius's war story. John Mark apparently traveled with Jesus and His Disciples sometime after Tabernacle 28 until just before Passover 29, during which time John the Baptist is executed and Jesus organizes a region militia the same size as a Roman legion. This Legion of the Galilee probably participated in the ambush of a Roman legion trying vainly out of Judea and back into Lebanon after putting Jerusalem under siege at the beginning of the Jewish Wars.

It is likely that the Quelle archive was destroyed during the initial success of the Jewish revolt in Caesarea.

According to Dan Wallace, 90% of the manuscripts in the global inventory came from Alexandria before the 4th century. It's likely that P52 originated in Alexandria, if only because of the law of averages. The fact that the Gospel of John was written by John Mark, the founding disciple of the Christian publishing industry in Alexandria, beginning with the Gospel According to Mark.

The Gospel of Mark is a war story told by a Roman soldier who employs contemporary eyewitness accounts from both without and within the Jesus Insurgency as the product of routine force protection and field intelligence.


Hey, Fishers of Evidence. Everything we know about Polycarp and Papias comes from the pen of Irenaeus. I'm sure that's why the pope had the bishop of Lyon murdered. Ireneaus, being an easterner, was now in position to fabricate a connection between Rome and Superjew. Pretending the forged documents he produced were really what Pap and Poly said. That's what happened.


All this tells me is what I already knew... that nobody knows who wrote what, or when it was written and what we may know is speculative at best. I don’t have time for that. Otherwise I might as well except everything on speculative assumptions. Seems most people would call you out on anything else in life with a foundation as such, but swallow hook, line and sinker the inherited, traditions based on stories and sayings of people who more than likely were completely and unequivocally, theologically motivated. Then again... when you think about it... there is one word that reminds me of how people think like this, even today... Politics. Nuff said....


Personally I think that Papias wrote Mark.Or rather he collated "the Memoirs of the Apostles" from the real Mark, and then these memoirs were confused for the real Mark, which was an unordered collection of logia similar to the Gospel of Thomas. And yes, Papias must have been very dimwitted, that is obvious from the picture -- and unlike me, he didn't believe that the Moon is a green cheese, which it *obviously* is.


The argument that the Mark to which Papias referred was some other “Mark” with no connection to the Mark we now have is one of the biggest violations of Occam’s razor, and really one of the weakest and dumbest arguments, I have come across. That one would resort to an argument like this, if anything, demonstrates just how weak the case for a late titling of Mark truly is.


Missing the gospel-passage here where jesus is told that his family is standing outside and wants to meet him, and then Jesus answers; more then my brothers and sisters are here ! So Jesus relationship with his family was troubled. To his mother; what have I to do with you? To his parents; don't you understand I have to be busy with the things of my father? Compare the following,

Neros chrestos (chrestus = the good) Jesus Christ
Claudius (unwilling adopt-father) Joseph (tekton = skilled worker)
Agrippina Minor (insisting on sons ministry) Mary the younger, the Virgin (i.o.s.m.)
Lucius Seneca (mentor, secretary of state) Simon Iscariot (money-manager)
-carved himself open (suicide) -bursted open or hangs himself
-making himself a great, betrayal -a thief and a traitor
Pompeia Paulina (the elevated or vain) Mary Magdalene (the pompous)
-saved from suicide attempt -saved from seven demons/spirits
-admirer of Neros and the Zodiac -praised for seeking the kingdom of H.
Poppea (punished) Martha (punished)
Brittannicus (died poorly) Lazarus (died and raised)
Simon Magus from Samaria Simon bar Jona from Gallilee
- the Magnus (making himself a great) -the Petra (jair, Aaron = mount or rock)
- Cephalos or Kajafas, High-priest - Cepheus or Kefas, Courtier, Gardener
- Apollo, words as sharp as arrows - New Moses, warrior and rod-bearer
- Magician, applied astro-theology to the - Sagittarius, Opens the Rock on pente-
Julio-Claudians. wears red cap and dagger. coast with the sword in his mouth.
-overseeer of Aquaducts, with the power to - given the keys of heaven
bind or loose the living - water. church-father.
Orion (osiris, sisera) walked on water Nimrod (marduk, michael), Zacchaeus
Dioscuri Boanerges


11:30 ha an atheist site claims Justin martry never mentions any of the gospels what a joke btw is 12:25 an alien?


The suggestion that somehow all views are equally valid, or can be argued for from the available evidence or sources with equal force or persuasiveness, is cynical, lazy, and false.
