Rebuilding liberty without permission: A conversation with Charles Murray

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According to AEI scholar, acclaimed social scientist, and bestselling author Charles Murray, American liberty is under assault. The federal government has unilaterally decided that it can and should tell us how to live our lives. If we object, it threatens, “Fight this, and we’ll ruin you.” How can we overcome regulatory tyranny and live free once again? In his new book, “By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission” (Crown Forum, May 2015), Murray offers provocative solutions.

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Rebuilding liberty without permission: A conversation with Charles Murray
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"...something like 1984 could very well happen; this is the direction the world is going in at the present time. In our world, there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement... but always there will be the intoxication of power...if you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face... forever." - George Orwell


I work in Aerospace. Fed & State regs are a NIGHTMARE! EPA inspector, wanting to justify his job, looked in a trash can and found a disposable set of coveralls. He pulled them out, laid them out on a table, and searched every square inch of them for chemical residue. He found none, he WROTE US UP FOR A FINE, saying, "even though I can't see residue, it COULD still be there. That guy should not only be fired, he should be in jail, and his retirement, including Social Security Benefits, should be taken away.


I spent year in San Diego. Dealing with immigration for my wife. That is another story for another day. The story for today was the friendship I developed with a cartographer on University Blvd. Beautiful maps, beautiful work by a craftsman. On the walls were maps, but among, and almost obliterating them were the state regulations. I thought at first it was a joke. The state was ruining his life. He was trying to leave and go to Idaho.It was the ink. The coloring. You name it, the state was on his back every day.


Very Impressive Mr, Murray,         Thank You


This idea is not just a silver bullet for regulation, it's a Trojan Horse to progressivism. This strategy IS theirs. The Madison Fund will be the NAACP of capitalism. This needs to get nationwide support.


I wish he hadn't mentioned the Sackett case, because referring to the regulatory agency attempting to "ruin a family" by not allowing them to build a multi-million dollar home on a wetland is absurd. Ruination of a family shouldn't be used as rhetoric against environmental protections.
I grant that he is in a panel and doesn't have much time to temper his answers.


As though rule of law ever existed, it was always rule of lawyers and judges. Judges in many courts give up their power to representatives of each side. Why else do you plethora of courts to have appeals- its the rule of law that decides  then a lower court or a circle of courts is either following it or not if an appeal succeeds then the lower court other court is breaking it.


OK.  I'll buy into the idea but even if successful it will be of very limited scope.  It will affect only the segment of society that involves productive people -- the "business class."  The demographics of who we are will mitigate against the impact of Mr. Murray's proposal.


When were we free...? When was it "the land of the free"...?


I just started viewing.... I hope he names a few names that he blames. I think that clearly, 9/11/01 hurt our freedoms badly. Then November 2008 really cemented the end of our nation as we knew it.


I know what I would do to a mean bureaucrat if we were out far away in the woods.


For my money, these are two of the most likeable guys and coherent voices in American politics today, but I can't help but feel they were missing the nub of the issue, to wit: is the United States still part of the Free World, or is it now a fascist state?

If its governance is still based on the consent of its constituents, the current institutions which form the state apparatus may be reformed or the American people may start over. If it's become fascistic, I don't see any alternative but to begin engaging in guerilla resistance or to initiate a military coup. Sorry guys, but it's *make your minds up time*.


I remember that guy from the cspan 2 revenge video!


that 2 and a half minute question tho...


Stop nepotic corporate and bureaucratic overgrowth - spay and neuter!
