How I Made My Lovely World Finale - Behind The Scenes

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This is a behind the scenes for how I made the finale of my Lovely World.

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My son watched you when he was little. He’s graduating high school. Today was his last day. The timing of your finale is lining up with him growing up.


12 year old me was always wondering who the helpers were, and how you created the magic of the special episodes. 9 years later, I finally have those questions answered. I even pestered my parents into buying Minecraft for me so I could try and figure out how the games and rides in your Lovely World work. Thank you so much Stampy (and helpers!), for the hours upon hours of entertainment that I'll always remember!


If it means anything, I actually really enjoy your cheesy acting. I think it worked perfectly well for this series.


I still remember always asking how Stampy's aim was perfection in his Hunger Games videos, but then it never translated into the Hitthetarget battles. I would always love seeing the behind the scenes and how so much depth was able to be added to a Minecraft roleplay through just enough little things that added together. You can really feel the effort trying to be put in each of those special videos, and the last Lovely World was able to be special with what it gave.


I liked that the ending cut off earlier than intended more, because you initially think Veeva Dash wouldn't be joining you in leaving The Lovely World, but just as it fades you see her following along which gave me a real surprise, I felt it made the surprise that she did decide to join Stampy, much more shocking and impactful, because its more of a blink and you'll miss it moment.


I remember getting out of school, exited to see your next Lovely World episode like 8 years ago. You raised me along with millions Stampy and will always be loved by the YouTube community


This is a kind of “stop everything and watch” video.


The way you ended the series was PERFECT, and although there are no new episodes, I think I speak for everyone when we say that we respect your choice to end this lovely project, you've made history, helped many childhoods, and touched many hearts, thank you for everything you've done Stampy <3


This video is going to reignite the feels again


I used to watch you back in year 7 im 21 now, I didn’t have wifi at home so I used to finish school and go to my friends so I could use his laptop to watch your videos, I would watch them everyday until i eventually got wifi where I continued you watch your videos, thank you for everything you have done for every single one of your fans ❤


Dear Stampy, It has been such an honor to watch you grow and continue creating these unique and wonderful videos. As viewers, we have grown alongside you, and for that, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to you and all your helpers for everything.


I watched these videos growing up, and now I'm 17 and graduating high school next year. You are such a pivotal person in my childhood (Same with Squid, DanTDM, and many others) and I can't believe it's over. Thank you for the best childhood.


It was so fun to finally see a BTS video on a Lovely World special. I have such a massive interest in directors commentaries so this really was a treat!


At 0:37 it really warmed my heart, even though most of us are in our late teens and early adulthood now so we wouldn’t skip it, it’s just a reminder that Stampy is still Stampy: and we are still that generation of kids he raised


Loved seing the behind the scenes but can’t help feeling this could have been a perfect 12 year anniversary video for the 19th of may when you first started your world.


I know I’m a few months too late, but I wanted to share my thoughts. I started watching Stampy’s lovely world when I was maybe 10 or 11 years old, I’m now in second year university. You all have played such a pivotal role in my childhood, and I’m sure everyone here can agree that it’s a memory we’ll never forget. I remember eagerly awaiting the next upload, it always made my day. I think you executed the final episode really well, and I’m sad to see it end but I’m glad you are moving on to do what you enjoy. So what I’m trying to say is thank you. Thank you for devoting many years of your life to bringing smiles to kid’s faces all around the world. Take care, Stampy and everyone else involved. We love you guys.


“Stampy Cat” - one of the worlds greatest

There’s nothing more important than helping the rising generation of young people learn to be good people. Years of content and joy but your example of the type of person you are is what shines through the brightest!

Thank you :)


Stampy no matter how old I am I will always look back at your series, it really was something that made my childhood special.


Thanks for making our childhoods ❤. I’m glad seeing you still here


You have brought in a great example of a YouTuber who brings creativity and entertainment at an appropriate time for children, like me, getting to know about YouTube for the first time.
I hope you can continue to use your creativity for any future projects whether that's more videos or novels you've been speaking about. If you ever finish a project, like a book, feel free to notify us about it. I'm sure this community would be down to support anything new you have in mind. I would enjoy seeing more of your creativity.
And thank you for the memories we have made. :)
