Lord, You Have Come (to the Seashore) | Fisher of Men | Choir & Piano w/Lyrics | Sunday 7pm Choir

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This hymn (also known as 'Fisher of Men' or 'Pescador de Hombres') by Cesáreo Gabaráin is a perfect complement to the Gospel of Luke (Luke 5: 1-11) where Jesus calls his disciples to follow him.

Recorded live by Sunday 7pm Choir at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, ON Canada. Thanks for listening and God bless! 🙏


Lord, you have come to the seashore,
neither searching for the rich nor the wise,
desiring only that I should follow.

O, Lord, with your eyes set upon me,
gently smiling, you have spoken my name;
all I longed for I have found by the water,
at your side, I will seek other shores.

Lord, see my goods, my possessions;
in my boat you find no power, no wealth.
Will you accept, then, my nets and labor?

O, Lord, with your eyes set upon me,
gently smiling, you have spoken my name;
all I longed for I have found by the water,
at your side, I will seek other shores.

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#God #hymn #Christian

Thanks for watching the video Lord, You Have Come (to the Seashore) | Fisher of Men | Choir & Piano w/Lyrics | Sunday 7pm Choir
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First time I heard this song in the choir at a Church I was greatly touched and cried. I didn’t know the title. I found it here. Very beautiful rendition of the song.🙏🙏🙏


Today, happy with joy, and full of grattitude, thankyou, Father, amèn.


YES LORD JESUS in my boat no wealth riches all etcs in my boat


I can feel His love for me in this song


Jesus, I offer these souls for the training. Teach us Your ways O Lord.


Beautiful version! I haven't heard any other english versions of this song, but this one is really close to the original spanish. Cesáreo Gabaraín is one of the greatest of catholic music in spanish from the past century, and it's nice to see that his work has spread all over the world in different languages. God bless!


Thank you my Master. How great you are and how I desire to love you Keep leading me through your world of my earthly journey. You alone my joy.


Absolutely beautiful thank you 7pm Choir My Lord Jesus I love you 🙏❤️


Thank you..
Happy Calling Sunday. Each of us has called by our Lord.. we follow Him..


My dad sings this only in Spanish. It makes me feel good


I wish to thank you for sharing this awesome Christian music video with me . I pray to Father God to heal our land from the covid virus . Amen


Amen I came to this world to be in the army of God


I love this song, thank you for sharing!


Jeez, I’m so glad this is my favorite song


Oh, I love your choir, your voices give me the chills and the tears. I wish i could visit you and your church some day. God bless 🙏


Who’s listening to money hiest come in youtube


Great singing! Am I mistaken in remembering that it used to be translated differently, in a way where the lines rhyme? I seem to remember the beginning of the chorus as "Oh Lord, in my eyes you were gazing, gently smiling, my name you were saying"


Pleasecan you give the title of the hymn that you play after the sermon that father gives us ? I just love that hymn, it helps me to feel peace in my soul. Thank you.



me has mirado a los

Tu has venido a la orilla
no has buscado a sabios, ni a ricos

tan solo quieres que yo te siga

Señor, me has mirado a las ojos
sonriendo, has dicho mi nombre
en la rena, he dejado mi barca
junto a ti, buscare otro mar

Tu necesitas mis manos
mis cansancios que a otros descansen
amor que quiero seguir amando

Señor, me has mirado a las ojos
sonriendo, has dicho mi nombre
en la rena, he dejado mi barca

junto a ti, buscare otro mar

Tu sabes bien lo que quiero
en mi barca no hay oro ni espadas

tan solo redes y mi trabajo

Señor, me has mirado a las ojos
sonriendo, has dicho mi nombre
en la rena, he dejado mi barca

junto a ti, buscare otro mar

Tu pescador de otros mares
ansia entera de almas que esperan

amigo bueno que asi me llamas

Señor, me has mirado a las ojos
sonriendo, has dicho mi nombre
en la rena, he dejado mi barca

junto a ti, buscare otro mar

Krist jednom stade na žalu
tražeć ljude za velika djela
da love srca božanskom Riječi.

O Bože, zar si pozvao mene?
Tvoje usne moje rekoše ime.
Svoju lađu sada ostavljam žalu,
odsad idem kamo šalješ me ti.

Ja sam siromašan čovjek.
Moje blago su predanost Tebi
i srce čisto da idem s Tobom.

O Bože ...
Ti trebaš dlanove moje,
moga srca ražaren plamen
i kaplje znoja, samoću moju.

O Bože ...
Ti i ja krećemo danas
lovit' srca na moru života
a mreža bit će Riječ Božja prava.
O Bože ...


Pan kiedyś stanął nad brzegiem,
Szukał ludzi gotowych pójść za Nim;
By łowić serca
Słów Bożych prawdą.

O Panie, to Ty na mnie spojrzałeś,
Twoje usta dziś wyrzekły me imię.
Swoją barkę pozostawiam na brzegu,
Razem z Tobą nowy zacznę dziś łów.

Jestem ubogim człowiekiem,
Moim skarbem są ręce gotowe
Do pracy z Tobą
I czyste serce.

O Panie, to Ty na mnie spojrzałeś,
Twoje usta dziś wyrzekły me imię.
Swoją barkę pozostawiam na brzegu,
Razem z Tobą nowy zacznę dziś łów.

Ty, potrzebujesz mych dłoni,
Mego serca młodego zapałem
Mych kropli potu
I samotności.

O Panie, to Ty na mnie spojrzałeś,
Twoje usta dziś wyrzekły me imię.
Swoją barkę pozostawiam na brzegu,
Razem z Tobą nowy zacznę dziś łów.

Dziś wypłyniemy już razem
Łowić serca na morzach dusz ludzkich
Twej prawdy siecią
I słowem życia.

O Panie, to Ty na mnie spojrzałeś,
Twoje usta dziś wyrzekły me imię.
Swoją barkę pozostawiam na brzegu,
Razem z Tobą nowy zacznę dziś łów
