Abnormal Pap Smear to CERVICAL CANCER - Cara | The Patient Story

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Cara started getting stomach pain, lower back pain, and excessive bloating. But her doctor thought it was just stress. A few months later, she got her annual paper smear and it came back abnormal. But her doctors thought it was irritable bowl syndrome (IBS). But a colposcopy test revealed it was cervical cancer.

In this cancer vlog, Cara takes us through her 25 sessions of radiotherapy and six chemotherapy sessions. She also underwent brachytherapy and hormone replacement therapy because she was losing estrogen production.

#cancerstories #cancerpatient #cancersurvivor #patientstories #thepatientstory #cervicalcancer #papsmear #abnormalpap #cervicalcancersymptoms #colposcopy #chemotherapy #radiotherapy #brachytherapy #hormonereplacementtherapy #HRTtherapy

The Patient Story:
The Patient Story is led by a dedicated team of medical, editorial, and video experts, committed to authentically portraying the cancer patient experience. Sharing your story holds transformative power, culturally and personally. We handle each narrative with utmost care, compassion, and scientific rigor.

Our editorial process adheres to the highest journalistic standards, ensuring medically researched, vetted, and fact-checked content. Backed by experienced medical professionals, we offer insights into the latest medical advancements.

Beyond patient narratives, we provide comprehensive coverage of cancer news and medical resources. From symptoms to clinical trials, insurance, finances, and support groups, we offer guidance in a humanized manner.

[Video Chapters]
00:00 Introduction
00:26 My first symptoms
02:08 I was scheduled for my routine Pap smear test
03:30 Cancer never crossed my mind
04:48 Cell removal in my cervix
11:13 Getting a biopsy
12:36 Talking about fertility after my diagnosis
13:50 Learning I had cancer
14:23 Starting chemotherapy and radiotherapy
14:48 The process of radiotherapy in my cervix
18:24 Side effects of chemotherapy
22:10 Starting hormone replacement therapy
24:37 Words of advice
25:02 Educating everyone on women’s health

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The interview has only been edited for clarity. The interview has only been edited for clarity.

Abnormal Pap Smear to CERVICAL CANCER - Cara | The Patient Story
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I had a cold knife cauterization at 26 . Abnormal precancerous cervix cells. At 55 yrs old I developed breast cancer, 67 now. Best wishes beautiful lady.


Dear Cara, you are an adorable person. I'm sure your honest testimony has been of great help to many. Big hug from PERU. 🇵🇪


Well said and bravely spoken,
Get well soon and put this episode behind you.


16 WEEKS to get a pap smear test back? That is unacceptable. I'm in the U.S. and get mine back within a couple of days.


16 weeks!! That’s utterly insane. They could take that long to get back on a normal result, but taking 4 months to get back on an abnormal result is utterly ludicrous.


Madam, you are a lovely lady & will help numerous women with your experience. You deserve a very happy long life. Thank you for sharing.


My Dad is dead now, but I had to have a colcospopy in my late 20s, and after a few days I had a major bleed at work, I ended being admitted to hospital.
Then I had to tell them, my Mom and Dad.
I had only slept with 2 people, even now I am 66 and I have only slept with 3 people.
There was so much publicity about cervical cancer and it was linked to promiscuity and HPV.
My Dad always loved me but I knew from things he said that he thought I was promiscuous.
Then I worked with a lovely girl also in her twenties who had a hysterectomy and chemo and radiotherapy and she died, I was devastated.
I hope that this cancer is seen as bad luck like other cancers, not a result of being bad.
No one deserves cancer, even if they slept with 100 men, I am so glad that in the UK every child is offered the HPV vaccine now.


Your severe pain should have clued them that it was not IBS. IBS usually doesn't cause lower back pain. I think doctors aren't good at telling people to follow up if symptoms change or don't improve. However, it sounds like you got good responsive care. Everything gets blamed on stress first.


What an inspirational young woman you are . I wish you all the best for the future and thank you for taking the time to speak so openly and honestly, to all us ladies about everything you’ve been through. May all your dreams for the future come true 😘


Cara, you’re a beautiful person both inside & out. Thank you for sharing your story, in particular, how important it is to have regular Pap tests & recognising early symptoms of cancer. You’re an incredible lady and I’m wishing you & your partner a lifetime of happiness! 💕


I am happy for you that you survived and you are healthy


I am in the beginning stage of all of this. Thank you for your heartfelt information. I am praying for the procedure I am having tomorrow.


In the US, we get our pap smear results the same week.


Ok, im going to go for my smear. ASAP.
Im embarrassed so ive ignored all the letters from my GP asking me to go for a smear. thanks for the video and encouragement


You do have resilience and strength and I have no doubt that you’ll be an advocate and a wonderful mother for many years to come. You have more strength than you know and remember, each day that goes by is not guaranteed for any of us, regardless of current health status. We all need to embrace our inner strength and let faith lift our wings! Thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way ❤


tough girl, I admire You and wish You all the best!! 🙏


I think your so brave going through chemo and radiation. I told my kids if im ever unfortunate to get cancer (Im 53) i dont want any treatment at all. I lost my dad to cancer only a few years ago and what that man went through was horrendous. He got diagnosed with Lymphoma had intense chemo lost all his hair. He was ok for 2 years then he got diagnosed with Leukemia 😢 i was heartbroken and still am. I know so many people who had had chemo and everyone of them have either died a few years later or get a secondry cancer diagnosis. Chemo is so bad for your body as it also attacks your healthy cells. I really hope your cancer doesn't return x


I had pre cancer cells at 32, developed stage 3 grade 3 breast cancer 2011. Aged 43


Thank you So Very much for sharing this!!!


Alot of younger women are getting cervical cancers way younger due to the HPV virus... That you wont know you have until you get a cancer....thats why its important to get regular pap snears annually to catch it at its earliest..
