Transparency Is A Must Have

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INSIDE EDITION’s “lobster investigation” reinforces that now more than ever every food brand, every supermarket and every restaurant better be demanding proper verification from suppliers and be telling the truth.

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The investigation by Inside Edition was a poor example for this subject. Their sampling was less than scientific and they did not provide complete information. For example, the sample of the lobster roll from Nathans it appears they sampled one sandwich. It is more than likely out of luck of the draw they received product that the lobster and pollock and lobster had not been blended well. Inside Edition held up a large whole shrimp and the Lempert Report showed a photograph of a large shrimp when mentioning langostino. If you would like to see what a langostino looks like go to Until a few year ago FDA recognized and allowed langositno to be menued as lobster. That was until Senator Snowe from Maine threatened to cut funding to FDA unless they changed their rule which they did to mandate the inclusion of the qualifier langostino lobster. This was all done as a protectionist move for Maine lobster which was not necessary. There are problems out there with mislabeling but this was a poor representation.
