7 Segment LCD/LED interface library for Arduino

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Welcome to the Arduino 7 Segment display library which provides easy control of 7 segment LCD and LED displays using a minimum of 2 digital outputs! The library only works with parallel displays, where each segment on the display has a single corresponding pin to control it. For example, if your screen can display 8888 but has less than 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 28 pins on the back, then this library is probably not for you. Additionally, if your display has a serial or SPI interface then this is also not for you.

In order to control many LCD/LED segments using an Arduino (a typical 4 digit display has 32 segments) a display driver is required. These are integrated circuits which receive a serial input and only require a clock source, data, +5v and ground, with the AY0438 LCD driver requiring an additional Load input.

The supported display drivers are very basic in operation and simply remember the status of a data pin (high or low) every time the clock pin changes from high to low. The correct choice of driver will depend on whether you have an LED or LCD screen and how many outputs you require. It is also worth noting that you may cascade 2 AY0438 chips to give you control of up 64 LCD segments! The following display drivers are currently supported: M5450 (LED, 34 outputs) M5451 (LED, 35 outputs) MM5452 (LCD, 32 outputs) MM5453 (LCD, 33 outputs) AY0438 (LCD, 32 outputs)

The AY0438 LCD driver can drive a standard 4 digit LCD screen perfectly. A typical 4 digit LCD display should be able to display 8.8.:8.8 - a digit, decimal point, a digit, decimal point and/or colon, digit, decimal point and a digit.
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The track is la Danza Richard hayman .


is that code like a upside down to code driver data 1 data2system inital data3


1. You have to connect the segment pins in the right order. This was done to keep the code simple and small. The order is S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, DP, COLON, S1, S2, etc. Look at the download for more info.
2. You can't multiplex 1 chip to drive 2 LCDs. You can cascade 2 chips and drive 2 LCDs though.

Take a look at the schematics at the link in the description. :)


thanks for your library, i need your help, i'm trying to simulate your library in proteus, for one LCD it's solved but for tow i have a difficult to display 8 digital, i connected the tow chips like your data sheet, please do you have an example for tow display, thanks


I used the AY0438. Check out the link in the description for the full library.


Very little, maybe a few uA but the AY0438 driver needs 3v, 30uA-60uA. Take a look at my link and download my library as I have included all the specs in one download. This is the still the most lowest power of displays you can have :)


There's y on right and left like reversed


İts start glitchy because it's start test segments the Said shit


Bonjour, j'utilise votre librairie mais cela fonctionne a moitié.
Je m'explique, j'ai un LCD 3.5 digits 7 Segments et pas moyen d'avoir le 1 ou les points.
C'est un LCD GD-057BP qui est piloté par un AY0438
Si vous avez une idée je suis preneur, car la je cale...
Amitiées Fred


how he says scroll and message like KEYBOARD trust me


I am using a 4 digit LCD with a MM5453 driver chip. these were takeouts from industrial equipment. 4 pins: 5V, COM, CLK, DATA.Unit works fine with your library for counting up from 0 to 999. i want it to display temperature from a ds18b20 temp sensor. I am having problems at the "print" stage where i want it to display the temp in Fahrenheit.
I can give you the code it look at, just e-mail me at wizard_factory "at" yahoo.c**.
Thanks, great work.


CAUTION does not work with the MM5452
ATTENTION ne fonctionne pas avec le MM5452
