Trigonometry Class 11 | One Shot | JEE Main & Advanced | Arvind Kalia Sir

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Best Trigonometry One shot session for JEE by Arvind Kalia Sir
The world of trigonometry with this intensive Class 11 One Shot session. Designed specifically for JEE Main and Advanced aspirants, this comprehensive tutorial will equip you with the knowledge to conquer trigonometry and excel in your entrance exams.

With a focus on Class 11 syllabus, this one-shot tutorial aims to cover the key concepts, formulas, and problem-solving techniques necessary for success in JEE Main and Advanced.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:21 Nature of Chapter
00:03:45 Index
00:07:28 System of measuring Angle
00:53:15 Defining Cosθ And Sinθ
01:12:41 Allied Angles
01:46:31 Graph of Trigonometric Ratios
01:54:04 Compound Angle Formulae
02:18:18 Multiple Angle Formulae
03:06:34 Expressing aSinθ + bCosθ in terms of Sine and Cosine only
03:13:35 Maximum and Minimum values of trigonometric expressions
03:28:29 Trigonometric Transformation Formulae
03:41:00 Two Trigonometric series
03:44:30 Conditional identities
Рекомендации по теме

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:21 - Nature of Chapter
00:03:45 - Index
00:07:28 - System of measuring Angle
00:53:15 Defining Cosθ And Sinθ
01:12:41 - Allied Angles
01:46:31 - Graph of Trigonometric Ratios
01:54:04 - Compound Angle Formulae
02:31:03 - Multiple Angle Formulae
03:06:34 - Expressing aSinθ + bCosθ in terms of Sine and Cosine only
03:13:35 - Maximum and Minimum values of trigonometric expressions
03:28:29 - Trigonometric Transformation Formulae
03:41:00 - Two Trigonometric series
03:44:30 Conditional identities


00:08 Trigonometry is a critical chapter that requires attention
02:12 Trigonometry is an important chapter with a 5.8% weightage in the paper.
06:33 Introduction to measuring angles and right angles
09:26 Understanding the concept of measuring angles in degrees and its subdivisions
14:15 Understanding the concept of arc length and angle measurement in trigonometry
17:57 Understanding angles in trigonometry.
24:46 Understanding the radian angle and its value.
27:41 Understanding and converting different systems in trigonometry.
33:30 The relation between degrees and minutes in trigonometry
36:07 Understanding conversion of degrees to radian and vice versa.
42:29 Understanding the movement of radius in different quadrants of a circle
45:33 The concept of angles between minute and hour hands on a clock
51:04 Understanding trigonometry ratios and identities
54:26 Trigonometry basics
1:01:13 Understanding angles and rotations.
1:05:23 Understanding angle measurement and coordinate system in trigonometry
1:15:05 Understanding the A coordinate and the concept of sign in trigonometry
1:18:03 Trigonometric angle shifting and quadrant analysis.
1:26:19 Understanding complementary angles and their trigonometric functions
1:31:18 Understanding trigonometric values and relations.
1:40:08 Understanding trigonometry concepts and solving related problems.
1:45:24 Trigonometry basics and graph understanding
1:51:07 Trigonometry concepts explained with graphs and formulas.
1:55:41 Understanding the behavior of sign in trigonometry
2:01:05 Trigonometry basics and problem-solving approach
2:04:05 Understanding trigonometric formulas and their derivations
2:12:18 Trigonometric concepts and beauty in angles
2:16:37 Trigonometric functions and their applications
2:25:58 Understanding trigonometric values and signs
2:30:03 Discussing advanced questions in trigonometry
2:38:10 Trigonometry basics and problem-solving approach
2:43:50 Trigonometric double angle identities explanation
2:51:12 Remembering trigonometric identities and their proofs
2:55:08 Triple angle formulas and their application
3:02:43 Understanding supplementary angles and sine functions.
3:08:02 Trigonometry and addition of angles
3:15:40 Trigonometric functions and magnitudes
3:20:55 Finding minimum and maximum values in quadratic equations
3:30:55 Understanding trigonometric concepts through examples
3:36:12 Trigonometry formulas for sun and sin
3:44:58 Prioritizing condition in trigonometry
3:48:03 Trigonometric functions are related to the sum and product of angles.


One of the favourite Arvind Sir We need One Full Complete Chapter of PnC..
Mera bhai❤


sad that we 12th ppl didn't had this channel in 11th 💔


Thanks a lot sir. Your teachings with wits and humour makes maths enjoying subject.
I am now 55 yrs..and M. Sc. But in my times none of teachers taken any pain to clear basics, history and how maths different branches evolved.
Also what are their applications in real life.
I am extremely happy that students are now having such beautiful access medium.
Pls share your math skills to all of us. 🎉🎉🎉


the satisfaction you get after doing a jee advanced ques at the start of 11th is epicc
thnk u sir


God bless you shera
Love you too shera
Bhai its so funny😭😭🤣🤣


00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:21 - Nature of Chapter
00:03:45 - Index
00:07:28 - System of measuring Angle
00:53:15 Defining Cosθ And Sinθ
01:12:41 - Allied Angles
01:46:31 - Graph of Trigonometric Ratios
01:54:04 - Compound Angle Formulae
02:31:03 - Multiple Angle Formulae
03:06:34 - Expressing aSinθ + bCosθ in terms of Sine and Cosine only
03:13:35 - Maximum and Minimum values of trigonometric expressions
03:28:29 - Trigonometric Transformation Formulae
03:41:00 - Two Trigonometric series
03:44:30 Conditional identities


00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:21 - Nature of Chapter
00:03:45 - Index
00:07:28 - System of measuring Angle
00:53:15 Defining Cosθ And Sinθ
01:12:41 - Allied Angles
01:46:31 - Graph of Trigonometric Ratios
01:54:04 - Compound Angle Formulae
02:31:03 - Multiple Angle Formulae
03:06:34 - Expressing aSinθ + bCosθ in terms of Sine and Cosine only
03:13:35 - Maximum and Minimum values of trigonometric expressions
03:28:29 - Trigonometric Transformation Formulae
03:41:00 - Two Trigonometric series
03:44:30 Conditional identities


57:10 guys Cos theta and sin theta is not defined, its because of representation..
There are two ways to represent any one's location or position..
1. Cartesian co ordinate system
2.Polar Representation
In Cartesian Co Ordinate, lets take a perpendicular to x axis from that point, so it's position will be (x, y)
In polar system, as we took already perpendicular to x axis from that point.. do components of vector, x will be rcos theta and y will be rsin theta and r is magnitude of that vector.. r could be max 1 in quad 1 of circle.. as we taken points (1, 0) and (0, 1) as put max in all quads, you will get in which angle +ve or -ve....❤


00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:21 Nature of Chapter
00:03:45 Index
00:07:28 System of measuring Angle
00:53:15 Defining Cosθ And Sinθ
01:12:41 Allied Angles
01:46:31 Graph of Trigonometric Ratios
01:54:04 Compound Angle Formulae
02:18:18 Multiple Angle Formulae
03:06:34 Expressing aSinθ + bCosθ in terms of Sine and Cosine only
03:13:35 Maximum and Minimum values of trigonometric expressions
03:28:29 Trigonometric Transformation Formulae
03:41:00 Two Trigonometric series
03:44:30 Conditional identities


Mera Bhai arvind kamal...
Jinke lecture h ek dam dhamal...
Lecture main pila dete h ausi ghutti....
Uske baad haan kar dete h achche questions ki

Love you mera Bhai ❤❤❤


Sir, I am a graduation student of physics major . I had some weak points in trigonometry and calculus i accidentally came across this video of yours and I can't explain how greatful I am, even I have watched your integration video and now I am more confident in solving problems.Thank you so much sir🙏 ❤❤


Amazing session sir.!🔥
I understood very well..
Hat's off to your teaching skills.❤


BHAI THIS SESSION WAS OP!!!! waiting for trigonometric equations chapter (please include boundedness too! 😄)


Was 2023 aspirant followed you and vedantu jee from last two years.. learned very much from you Bhai and dost and hope this channel also gets same luv and cross million subscribers soon.


This is the best lecture of trignometry that I have watched in my entire life .I can confirm that this lecture is enough for Advance and also this is the only lecture on YouTube that is short in length but has concepts from basics to Advance ..Thank you so much sir ..Really Appreciate your hard work towards making of such amazing videos . Am very grateful to be your student .Love you Loads


Hello Sir!
I wasn't happy with my 10 ke results and was demotivated to study but this lecture was legit blessing to me ✨✨✨


0:00 intro
0:21 nature of chapter
3:45 index
7:28 system of measuring angle
53:15 defining cosθ and sinθ
1:12:41 allied angles
1:46:31 graph of trignometric ratios
1:54:04 compound angle formulae
2:18:18 multiple angle formulae
3:06:34 expressing asinθ+bcosθ in terms of sine and cosine only
3:13:35 maximum and minimum values of trignometric expression
3:28:29 trignometric transformation formulae
3:41:00 two trignometric series
3:44:30 conditional identities


Amazing session sir, I saw your lecture for my daughter, now my daughter is in 11th class and doing preparation for jee
